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Number of month can be given with dash, or **-m** option which can be mixed up with other parameters. **-c** option specifies number of columns. $ week -12 $ week -m21c7 Before and after months can be specified with **-B** and **-A** option, and **-C** for both. $ week -B4 -A4 $ week -C4 Date can given like: $ week 2019/9/23 $ week 9/23 # 9/23 of current year $ week 23 # 23rd of current month And also in Japanese format and era: $ week 2019年9月23日 $ week 平成31年9月23日 $ week H31.9.23 $ week 平成31 $ week 平31 $ week H31 Greater number is handled as a year. Next command displays the calendar of the year 1752. $ week 1752 Use option **-y** to show one year calendar. The number of years can be specified by the **-Y** option (must <= 100), which will implicitly set the **-y** option. $ week -y # display this year's calendar $ week -Y2c6 # display 2 years calendar in 6 column # INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT It is possible display calendar in various language by setting `LANG` environment. LANG=et_EE week This command come with **-Mi18n** module which provides easy way to specify language by command option. Option **-l** displays option list provided by **-Mi18n** module and option **--i18n** and **--i18n-v** enables them. See [Getopt::EX::i18n](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3Ai18n). $ week --i18n-v --et # JAPANESE ERA By default, chronological year is shown on current month and every January. When used in Japanese locale environment, right side year is displayed in Japanese era (wareki: 和暦) format. # WEEK NUMBER Using option **-W** or **--weeknumber**, week number is printed at the end of every week line. Week number 1 is a week which include January 1st and count up on every Sunday.

Option **-W2** print the _standard week number_ which start with the first Sunday of the year.

Option **-W3** print ISO 8601 style week number. Because ISO week start on Monday, and the command shows a number of Sunday of the week, the result is not intuitive and therefore, I guess, useless.

Option **-W2** and **-W3** require [gcal(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/gcal) command installed. # COLORMAP Each field is labeled by names. FRAME Enclosing frame MONTH Month name WEEK Day of the week DAYS Calendar THISMONTH Target month name THISWEEK Target day of the week THISDAYS Target calendar THISDAY Target date Color for each field can be specified by **--colormap** (**--cm**) option with **LABEL**=_colorspec_ syntax. Default color is: --colormap DAYS=L05/335 \ --colormap WEEK=L05/445 \ --colormap FRAME=L05/445 \ --colormap MONTH=L05/335 \ --colormap THISDAY=522/113 \ --colormap THISDAYS=555/113 \ --colormap THISWEEK=L05/445 \ --colormap THISMONTH=555/113 Besides above, color for day-of-week names (and week number) can be specified individually by following labels. No color is assigned to these labels by default. DOW_SU Sunday DOW_MO Monday DOW_TU Tuesday DOW_WE Wednesday DOW_TH Thursday DOW_FR Friday DOW_SA Saturday DOW_CW Week Number Three digit means 216 RGB values from `000` to `555`, and `L01` .. `L24` mean 24 gray scales. Colormap is handled by [Getopt::EX::Colormap](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3AColormap) module; use \`perldoc Getopt::EX::Colormap\` for detail. You can add special effect afterward. For example, put next line in your `~/.weekrc` to blink today. `$` indicates to move all following arguments here, so that insert this option at the end. option default $ --cm 'THISDAY=+F' # I18N - **--i18n** - **--i18n-v** Both of these enables I18N options and Territory/Language information will be shown if used **--i18n-v**. # MODULES Some modules are included in the distribution. These options can be used without any special action, because they are defined to load appropriate module automatically in default start up module ([App::week::default](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Aweek%3A%3Adefault)). - **-Mcolors** --mono --lavender --green --pastel - **-Mmlb** (Major League Baseball) --dodgers, --dodgers-rev --yankees, --yankees-rev - **-Mnpb** (Nippon Professional Baseball Organization) --tigers, --tigers-rev --giants, --giants-rev --lions, --lions-rev - **-Molympic** --tokyo2020, --tokyo2020-rev --tokyo2020-gold, --tokyo2020-gold-rev --para2020, --para2020-rev - **--theme** Option **--theme** is defined in default module, and choose given theme option according to the background color of the terminal. If you have next setting in your `~/.weekrc`: option --theme tokyo2020 Option **--tokyo2020** is set for light terminal, and **--tokyo2020-rev** is set for dark terminal. Feel free to update these modules and send pull request to github site. # FILES - `~/.weekrc` Start up file. Use like this: option default --i18n-v --theme tokyo2020 # INSTALL ## CPANMINUS $ cpanm App::week # SEE ALSO [App::week](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Aweek), [https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/App-week](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/App-week) [Getopt::EX::termcolor](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3Atermcolor), [https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/Getopt-EX-termcolor](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/Getopt-EX-termcolor) [Getopt::EX::i18n](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3Ai18n), [https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/Getopt-EX-i18n](https://github.com/kaz-utashiro/Getopt-EX-i18n) [Getopt::EX::Colormap](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3AColormap) [https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/603f4bca39e397afc91c](https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/603f4bca39e397afc91c) [https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/38cb50a4d0cd34b6cce6](https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/38cb50a4d0cd34b6cce6) [https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/be37a4d703f9d2208ed1](https://qiita.com/kaz-utashiro/items/be37a4d703f9d2208ed1) # AUTHOR Kazumasa Utashiro # LICENSE You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # COPYRIGHT The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise. Copyright ©︎ 2018-2024 Kazumasa Utashiro