params <- list(EVAL = FALSE) ## ----setup, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------- library(knitr) # create custom printing method .print_df <- function(x, highlight = NULL, ...) { kbl <- kableExtra::kable( head(, align = "c", row.names = F, format = "html", escape = F ) if (!is.null(highlight)) kbl <- column_spec(kbl, column = which(names(x) %in% highlight), background = "#ccebff", bold = TRUE) kbl <- kableExtra::kable_styling(kbl, bootstrap_options = "striped", font_size = 14) kbl <- kableExtra::scroll_box(kbl, width = "100%", height = "300px") asis_output(kbl) } # register data frame printing method registerS3method("knit_print", "data.frame", .print_df) # global option chunks knitr::opts_chunk$set( fig.width = 5, fig.height = 3.5, dpi = 40, comment = "", out.width = "80%", fig.align = "center", message = TRUE, warning = TRUE ) options(width = 100, max.print = 100) ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load packages library(viridis) library(baRulho) library(Rraven) # synthesize synth_est <- baRulho::synth_sounds( mar = 0.1, frequencies = c(0.5, 1:5), durations = 0.1, fm = FALSE, am = FALSE, sampling.rate = 12 ) # convert into a single wave object synth_wav <- Rraven::exp_est(X = synth_est, single.file = TRUE, wave.object = TRUE) # plot spectro seewave::spectro( wave = synth_wav, scale = FALSE, palette = viridis, grid = FALSE, collevels = seq(-20, 0, 1), osc = TRUE, colwave = "#31688EB3", heights = c(2, 1), wl = 100 ) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE--------------------------------------------------------------------- # synthesize synth_est2 <- baRulho::synth_sounds( mar = 0.01, sig2 = 0.05, frequencies = 2:4, durations = c(0.1, 0.2), fm = TRUE, am = TRUE, shuffle = TRUE, seed = 123, sampling.rate = 12 ) # convert into a single wave object synth_wav2 <- Rraven::exp_est( X = synth_est2, single.file = TRUE, path = tempdir(), wave.object = TRUE ) # plot spectro seewave::spectro( synth_wav2, tlim = c(0, 2), scale = FALSE, palette = viridis, grid = FALSE, collevels = seq(-20, 0, 1), osc = TRUE, colwave = "#31688EB3", heights = c(2, 1), wl = 140 ) ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check first 6 rows head( ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check name of wave objects names(attributes(synth_est2)$wave.objects) ## ----master sound file, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE,'hide'--------------------------------- # create master sound file synth_master_annotations <- baRulho::master_sound_file( X = synth_est, = "synthetic_master", dest.path = tempdir(), gap.duration = 0.15 ) ## ----spectro master 1, eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- # read wave file wave <- tuneR::readWave(file.path(tempdir(), "synthetic_master.wav")) # plot spectrogram seewave::spectro( wave, scale = FALSE, palette = viridis, wl = 150, grid = FALSE, flim = c(0, 4.7) ) ## ----eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE,'hide'---------------------------------------------------- # load example data from warbleR data(list = c( "Phae.long1", "Phae.long2", "Phae.long3", "Phae.long4", "lbh_selec_table" )) # save sound files to temporary folder writeWave(Phae.long1, file.path(tempdir(), "Phae.long1.wav")) writeWave(Phae.long2, file.path(tempdir(), "Phae.long2.wav")) writeWave(Phae.long3, file.path(tempdir(), "Phae.long3.wav")) writeWave(Phae.long4, file.path(tempdir(), "Phae.long4.wav")) # make an extended selection table est <- warbleR::selection_table( X = lbh_selec_table, extended = TRUE, path = tempdir(), pb = FALSE ) # add sound_id column est$ <- paste0(abbreviate(est$sound.files), est$selec) # create master sound file master_annotations <- baRulho::master_sound_file( X = est, = "example_master", dest.path = tempdir(), gap.duration = 0.3 ) ## ----spectro master 2, eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- # read wave file wave <- tuneR::readWave(file.path(tempdir(), "example_master.wav")) # plot spectrogram seewave::spectro( wave, scale = FALSE, palette = viridis, collevels = seq(-120, 0, 5), wl = 500, grid = FALSE, flim = c(0, 10) ) ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rraven::exp_raven(master_annotations, path = tempdir(), = "example_master_selection_table") ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("example_master_table.jpg") ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("master_est") data("test_sounds_est") ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- unique(master_est$sound.files) unique(test_sounds_est$sound.files) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # first remove any other wave file in the temporary working directory (dont do it with your data!) unlink(list.files( path = tempdir(), full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".wav" )) # save master sound file writeWave(object = attr(master_est, "wave.objects")[[1]], file.path(tempdir(), "master.wav")) # save test sound files for (i in unique(test_sounds_est$sound.files)) { writeWave(object = attr(test_sounds_est, "wave.objects")[[i]], file.path(tempdir(), i)) } # make annotations a data frame master_annotations <- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- master_annotations ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- markers_position <- baRulho::find_markers(X = master_annotations, path = tempdir()) markers_position ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # lower window length markers_position <- baRulho::find_markers(X = master_annotations, hop.size = 4, path = tempdir()) markers_position ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aligned_tests <- baRulho::align_test_files( X = master_annotations, Y = markers_position, = TRUE, remove.markers = FALSE, path = tempdir() ) ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aligned_tests ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aligned_imgs <- baRulho::plot_aligned_sounds( X = aligned_tests, path = tempdir(), dest.path = tempdir(), duration = 2.4, ovlp = 0 ) aligned_imgs ## ----echo = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # try to copy files to man/figures # fc <- file.copy(from = aligned_imgs[1:2], # to = file.path("../man/figures", basename(aligned_imgs[c(1, 4)]))) fc <- file.copy(from = aligned_imgs[c(1, 4)], to = file.path("../vignettes", basename(aligned_imgs[c(1, 4)])),overwrite = TRUE) ## ----echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics(basename(aligned_imgs[1])) knitr::include_graphics(basename(aligned_imgs[4])) ## ----eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # baRulho::manual_realign( # X = aligned_tests, # Y = master_annotations, # duration = 2.4, # path = tempdir() # ) # ## ----eval = TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("manual_realign.gif") ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("test_sounds_est") data("master_est") # create "unaligned_test_sounds_est" by # adding error to "test_sounds_est" start and end unaligned_test_sounds_est <- test_sounds_est set.seed(123) noise_time <- sample(c(0.009, -0.01, 0.03, -0.03, 0, 0.07, -0.007), nrow(unaligned_test_sounds_est), replace = TRUE) attr(unaligned_test_sounds_est, "check.res")$start <- unaligned_test_sounds_est$start <- unaligned_test_sounds_est$start + noise_time attr(unaligned_test_sounds_est, "check.res")$end <- unaligned_test_sounds_est$end <- unaligned_test_sounds_est$end + noise_time ## ----eval = TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #re align rts <- auto_realign(X = unaligned_test_sounds_est, Y = master_est) ## ----eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # thsi code creates the images use to create the gif shown below # # rename sound files so aligned and unaligned sounds are intercalated # unalg <- # warbleR::rename_waves_est( # playback_est_unaligned, # playback_est_unaligned$sound.files, # new.selec = seq(1, 200, by = 2)[1:nrow(playback_est_unaligned)] # ) # alg <- # warbleR::rename_waves_est(playback_est_aligned, # playback_est_aligned$sound.files, # new.selec = seq(2, 200, by = 2)[1:nrow(playback_est_aligned)]) # # # add label # unalg$type <- "Before aligning" # alg$type <- "After aligning" # # # put together in a single ext sel tab # unalg.alg <- rbind(unalg, alg) # # # create spectrograms # warbleR::spectrograms( # unalg.alg[unalg.alg$ != "ambient",], # dest.path = tempdir(), # res = 100, # wl = 300, # title.labels = "type", # sel.labels = NULL # ) ## ----session info, echo=F------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()