--- title: "Creating a model library" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Creating a model library} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r knitr-setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` Model libraries are useful to have consistent high-quality basic models that can be used as a model itself or as a building block for other models. # Model library conventions within nlmixr2lib Compartment and parameter names should be all lower case when on their own and should use snakeCase when combined in some way. Compartment and parameter names are selected to align with those used by `rxode2::linCmt()` which are described in the vignette: vignette("rxode2-model-types", package = "rxode2"). ## Compartment naming Compartment naming follows compartment names with the `linCmt()` with augmentation for other compartments: * `depot`: The extravascular dosing compartment (for example, the gut for oral dosing or subcutaneous space for subcutaneous dosing) * `central`: The intravascular compartment used for intravenous dosing or for typical pharmacokinetic (PK) model sampling of the drug * `peripheral1`, `peripheral2`: The first and second peripheral compartments for 2- and 3-compartment PK models * `effect`: The compartment for effect compartment models * Therapeutic-area-specific models should use consistent compartment and parameter naming. When adding a new therapeutic area model to the library, please discuss naming first in a new GitHub issue. ## Estimated parameter naming To enable more consistent cross-model compatibility, the following conventions should be used unless there is a strong reason for an exception: * Pharmacokinetic concentrations in the central compartment should be named `Cc`. `Cc` should be used even when using a `linCmt()` model (in which case `Cc <- linCmt()` should be used and the residual error should be applied to the `Cc` parameter). * Therapeutic-area-specific models should use consistent compartment and parameter naming. When adding a new therapeutic area model to the library, please discuss naming first in a new GitHub issue. ## Parameter naming PK models should use the following parameter naming conventions: * `ka`: absorption rate * `cl`: clearance * `q`: intercompartmental clearance (`central` to and from `peripheral1` compartments) * `q2`: second intercompartmental clearance (`central` to and from `peripheral2` compartments) * `vc`: central volume of distribution * `vp`, `vp2`: first and second peripheral compartment volumes When micro-constants are used, they should use the following naming conventions: * `kel` elimination rate (`cl/vc`) * `k12`, `k21`, `k13`, `k31`: intercompartmental transit rates (`q/vc`, `q/vp`, `q2/vc`, and `q2/vp2`, respectively) ## Parameter transforms Parameters are often estimated on a transformed scale. For instance, a natural logarithm transform is often used for parameters that must be positive, and a logit transform is often used when a parameter must remain within a specific range. Transformed parameters should be prefixed with an indicator of the transformation. Preferred transformation prefixes are: * `l` (lower case L): natural log transform * `logit`: logit transform * `probit`: probit transform * Any other transform should similarly include the full transform as the prefix Generally, for any transform other than natural logarithm, include the full name as a prefix. For example, natural logarithm-transformed `ka` would be `lka` and logit-transformed `emax` would be `logitemax`. ## Random effects Random effects are estimates as part of a distribution varying by some grouping factor. The grouping factor is often a subject in a clinical trial. (For NONMEM users, random effects are often referred to as inter-individual variability.) Random effect parameters should prefix the (transformed) parameter name with `eta`. For example, a random effect on log-transformed clearance would be named `etalcl`. ## Drug effects Different drug effects may be investigated during model building. And, multiple drug effect styles (linear, E~max~, threshold, etc.) may be investigated by the user. To enable simpler changes to drug effects and to minimize the chance of parameter name collisions when combining models, the following rules are strongly recommended: * Drug effects should be calculated on a model by themselves to enable changing the type of drug effect (e.g. linear to E~max~). * The parameter name for the drug effect should be called `drugEffect` followed by the name of the part of the model that is most closely associated with the drug effect. For example, in the Simeoni 2004 model, the drug effect is called `drugEffectCyclingCells`. # Model files Files in a model library should have the following characteristics: * The first line inside the function should have a description assignment. That is `description <- "This is the description of the model"` right inside the `function()` before the `ini({})` block. * If the model has a literature reference associated with it, then the second line of inside the function should have the reference, for example, `reference <- "Richard Hooijmaijers, Matthew Fidler, William S. Denney (2022). nlmixr2lib: A Model Library for 'nlmixr2'. https://nlmixr2.github.io/nlmixr2lib/"` * If it would be helpful to give the user some information about the model on load, it can be added as meta-data as a `"message"` attribute to the model. Note that in that case, you must give the function name as the last line of the model to ensure that it is the returned value from evaluation of the file. (See `oncology_xenograft_simeoni_2004.R` for an example of adding a message.) * If the model is to be combined with other models and it expects certain objects will be defined a depends value should be specified. For example if there is a tumor growth model that is driven by the drug concentration in the central compartment, then the following could be used: `depends <"Cc"` * It can also be helpful to specify the compartments where dosing is expected. This can be done in the following manner: `dosing <- c("central", "depot")` * Units used in the model can be specified using a list `units <- list(dosing= "mg/kg", time="hr")` To add more fields to this list please discuss first in a GitHub issue. * The remainder of the file should be an nlmixr2 model in a function with a typical `ini()` and `model()` block. * The name of the file should match the name of the model within the file. If a function to modify, self-start, or otherwise help the user would make sense, add it as a new file in the `R/` directory with the file name and function name `updateModelName()` using the word update followed by the model name in camelCase (e.g. `updateOncologyXenograftSimeoni2004`). If such a function is added, please add it in the `messages` described above, as well. Update functions must be able to take in a function, an rxUi object, or an nlmixr2fitCore object and should usually return an rxUi object. For examples, see the package installation directory.