terra: Spatial Data Analysis

Methods for spatial data analysis with vector (points, lines, polygons) and raster (grid) data. Methods for vector data include geometric operations such as intersect and buffer. Raster methods include local, focal, global, zonal and geometric operations. The predict and interpolate methods facilitate the use of regression type (interpolation, machine learning) models for spatial prediction, including with satellite remote sensing data. Processing of very large files is supported. See the manual and tutorials on <https://rspatial.org/> to get started. 'terra' replaces the 'raster' package ('terra' can do more, and it is faster and easier to use).

Version: 1.7-83
Depends: R (≥ 3.5.0)
Imports: methods, Rcpp (≥ 1.0-10)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: parallel, tinytest, ncdf4, sf (≥ 0.9-8), deldir, XML, leaflet (≥ 2.2.1), htmlwidgets
Published: 2024-10-14
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.terra
Author: Robert J. Hijmans ORCID iD [cre, aut], Roger Bivand ORCID iD [ctb], Emanuele Cordano ORCID iD [ctb], Krzysztof Dyba ORCID iD [ctb], Edzer Pebesma ORCID iD [ctb], Michael D. Sumner [ctb]
Maintainer: Robert J. Hijmans <r.hijmans at gmail.com>
BugReports: https://github.com/rspatial/terra/issues/
License: GPL (≥ 3)
URL: https://rspatial.org/, https://rspatial.github.io/terra/
NeedsCompilation: yes
SystemRequirements: C++17, GDAL (>= 2.2.3), GEOS (>= 3.4.0), PROJ (>= 4.9.3), sqlite3
Language: en-US
Materials: NEWS
In views: Spatial, SpatioTemporal
CRAN checks: terra results


Reference manual: terra.pdf


Package source: terra_1.7-83.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: terra_1.7-83.zip, r-release: terra_1.7-83.zip, r-oldrel: terra_1.7-83.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): terra_1.7-78.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): terra_1.7-78.tgz, r-release (x86_64): terra_1.7-78.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): terra_1.7-78.tgz
Old sources: terra archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: ceramic, cffdrs, diffeR, envirem, geodata, geostatsp, GLCMTextures, hemispheR, heterogen, hydflood, intSDM, itcSegment, letsR, mapmisc, MultiscaleDTM, pastclim, predicts, raptr, rcaiman, restoptr, rflsgen, rts, sdm, ShapePattern, SiMRiv, SurfRough, TOC, usdm, virtualspecies
Reverse imports: adw, ag5Tools, agriwater, amadeus, amt, AquaBEHER, arcgislayers, ascotraceR, assignR, atakrig, atpolR, aws.wrfsmn, barrks, basemaps, BAT, bayesEO, bespatial, BIEN, bioclim, BIOMASS, biomod2, bivariatemaps, blackmarbler, BoundaryStats, CAST, CatastRo, CCAMLRGIS, cdlTools, CDSE, chirps, cholera, climateStability, climetrics, cnmap, CoordinateCleaner, coveR2, cropDemand, cropZoning, ctmm, damAOI, daymetr, deforestable, DEPONS2R, disaggregation, diseasemapping, dismo, divraster, divvy, dots, downscale, dsmSearch, dynamAedes, dynamicSDM, dynatopGIS, easyclimate, ebirdst, ebvcube, ecospat, eDITH, elevatr, ElevDistr, enerscape, enmpa, enmSdmX, ENMTools, envi, epm, eseis, Euclimatch, ExposR, fgdr, FIESTAutils, fitbitViz, florabr, forestdata, ForestTools, foto, gateR, gatoRs, gdistance, gecko, GeNetIt, GeoAdjust, geocausal, geocmeans, geocomplexity, geodiv, geodl, geomerge, GeoThinneR, geotopbricks, gfcanalysis, glossa, grec, gtfs2gps, gwavr, habtools, happign, HurreconR, hwsdr, hypervolume, hypsoLoop, ICvectorfields, inlabru, INLAspacetime, inldata, IsoriX, ISRaD, LAIr, landform, landscapemetrics, leastcostpath, lidaRtRee, lidR, lifeR, linemap, link2GI, LPDynR, macroBiome, makePalette, malariaAtlas, mapgl, mapme.biodiversity, mapsRinteractive, maptiles, MBHdesign, mddmaps, medfateland, MetaLandSim, metaRange, meteo, MIAmaxent, MigConnectivity, mkde, mlr3spatial, modEvA, modisfast, MODISTools, MoleculeExperiment, monographaR, mop, move, movecost, movegroup, MRG, NetLogoR, nichevol, npphen, OCNet, ofpetrial, Orcs, ows4R, paleobioDB, phenomap, PHENTHAUproc, phyloraster, phyloregion, PlanetNICFI, pliman, PointedSDMs, prior3D, priorCON, prioritizr, prioritizrdata, QBMS, quadtree, quaxnat, quickPlot, raceland, rangeBuilder, rangeModelMetadata, rassta, raster, rasterbc, rasterdiv, rasterpic, rasterVis, rcontroll, rcrimeanalysis, Recocrop, red, reddPrec, redlistr, regional, RiskMap, rivnet, rnaturalearth, roads, rPAex, rpaleoclim, rpostgis, Rsagacmd, rsat, rsi, RStoolbox, rsyncrosim, Rtrack, rtrend, rworldmap, SAiVE, samc, sampbias, sara4r, satellite, satres, scapesClassification, sdmpredictors, SDMtune, secr, SESraster, sgsR, shar, shoredate, simpleSeg, simulariatools, sits, smoothr, smosr, soilassessment, SpaDES.core, SpaDES.tools, sparrpowR, spatialEco, SpatialFeatureExperiment, spatialising, SSIMmap, StormR, stppSim, SUMMER, SUNGEO, supercells, SurfaceTortoise, tanaka, TCHazaRds, tectonicr, tenm, terrainr, tidysdm, tidyterra, TroublemakeR, uavRmp, versioning, viewscape, voluModel, Voyager, waterquality, weatherOz, wflo, wingen
Reverse suggests: actel, AGPRIS, AMAPVox, anipaths, annotator, appeears, arcpy, bcmaps, BeeBDC, belg, bfast, BiodiversityR, blockCV, camtrapR, centerline, climaemet, confcons, dartR, dartR.base, dartR.spatial, datazoom.amazonia, disdat, DOYPAColors, dwdradar, earthdatalogin, ecmwfr, exactextractr, FIESTA, fmesher, fuzzySim, gdalUtilities, gdm, gdverse, geosphere, ggspatial, gpkg, HiContacts, htsr, IceSat2R, icosa, jSDM, lacunaritycovariance, leaflet, madrat, magclass, mapiso, mapmixture, mapsf, mapSpain, meteor, metR, mlr3spatiotempcv, motif, msdrought, ncdfCF, neonUtilities, nuts, oce, openeo, opentripplanner, prevR, qgisprocess, raem, rayshader, RCzechia, rdwd, reproducible, rgbif, rgee, rgeedim, rgplates, rgrass, rgugik, rlandfire, rosm, Rquefts, rTLsDeep, RtsEva, Rwofost, sf, sharpshootR, skylight, snapKrig, soilDB, sp, spaths, stars, tidycensus, trackdf, traudem, ubms, unifir, unmarked, ursa, via, viridis, wallace, waywiser, whitebox
Reverse enhances: sabre


Please use the canonical form https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=terra to link to this page.