Begin3 Title: bl (blinkenlights) Version: 1.2 Entered-date: 17 February 1996 Description: Blinks keyboard lights (Caps, Scroll and Num Lock). Many exciting patterns to chose from, including: blink right, blink left, bounce from left to right, converge, and blink lights randomly. Runs on virtual consoles, and X. Fun and entertaining for the family. Keywords: keyboard, lights, people with too much time on their hands Author: Greg Hankins Maintained-by: Greg Hankins Primary-site: Platform: Linux Copying-policy:GPL PGP-signature: run "pgp bl-1.2.lsm bl-1.2.tar.gz" to verify PGP signature -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: finger for public key iQCVAwUAMSiw0XtNTo2suu5NAQE7tQP/cdVvLHe+q5mzs0WqMlOfSWElCidXVSEW 5vPdjeQAxuoCm9VxygM4Sxe26y4S3qL8+nt6AgyJ+yZKxno6D4yjEd2kbvMs7Hvt D8LytZ2h/VueEbSE59wWBpzFlo8FVIaO4K+MM/YlUL6hcfRv4FlbvWOybrR3TeK3 4B1I/YJe8QY= =MGvt -----END PGP MESSAGE----- End