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mh-e has the capability to create multimedia messages. It uses the
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) protocol. The
MIME protocol allows you to incorporate images, sound, video,
binary files, and even commands that fetch a file with `ftp' when
your recipient reads the message! If you were to create a multimedia
message with plain MH commands, you would use mhn
. Indeed, the
mh-e MIME commands merely insert mhn
directives which are
later expanded by mhn
Each of the mh-e commands for editing multimedia messages or for incorporating multimedia objects is prefixed with C-c C-m .
Several MIME objects are defined. They are called content types. The table in section Editing a Draft contains a list of the content types that mh-e currently knows about. Several of the mh-e commands fill in the content type for you, whereas others require you to enter one. Most of the time, it should be obvious which one to use (e.g., use image/jpeg to include a JPEG image). If not, you can refer to RFC 1521, (13) which defines the MIME protocol, for a list of valid content types.
You are also sometimes asked for a content description. This is simply an optional brief phrase, in your own words, that describes the object. If you don't care to enter a content description, just press return and none will be included; however, a reader may skip over multimedia fields unless the content description is compelling.
Remember: you can always add mhn
directives by hand.
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