# $NetBSD: dot.profile,v 1.12 2024/09/23 12:12:36 uwe Exp $ # # This is the default .profile file. # Users are expected to edit it to meet their own needs. # # The commands in this file are executed when an sh user first # logs in. # # See sh(1) for details. # # Set your editor. Can be set to emacs or nano or whatever other # editor you may prefer, but of course those editors must be installed # before you can use them. Default to explicitly setting vi, as # otherwise some software (including sh's own fc) will run ed and # other software will fail. export EDITOR=vi # vi settings: set show-match auto-indent always-redraw shift-width=4 #export EXINIT="se sm ai redraw sw=4" # VISUAL sets the "visual" editor, i.e., vi rather than ed, which if # set will be run by preference to $EDITOR by some software. It is # mostly historical and usually does not need to be set. #export VISUAL=${EDITOR} # Set the pager. This is used by, among other things, man(1) for # showing man pages. The default is "more". Another reasonable choice # (included with the system by default) is "less". #export PAGER=less # Many modern terminal emulators don't provide a way to disable # alternate screen switching (like xterm's titeInhibit). less(1) has # its own option (-X) for that that you can use to alleviate the pain, # as PAGER is the most common scenario for hitting this. Add other # flags according to taste. #export LESS='-i -M -X' # Set your default printer, if desired. #export PRINTER=change-this-to-a-printer # Set the search path for programs. PATH=$HOME/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R7/bin:/usr/pkg/bin PATH=${PATH}:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/games:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin export PATH # Configure the shell to load .shrc at startup time. # This will happen for every shell started, not just login shells. export ENV=$HOME/.shrc