Changelog ========= Apache Flagon UserALE.js (Incubating) 2.3.0 (2022-04-05) ------------------------------- * Release Notes - Flagon - Version UserALE.js 2.3.0 * [Closed Tickets]( * Fixes issue in autostart configurations and start(), stop() export usage * Adds additional unit tests for autostart configurations * Adds React App.js example/test utility * Adds additional examples (non-user log examples) * Minor updates to update deprecated downstream dev dependencies * Minor changes to documentation, updated examples Apache Flagon UserALE.js (Incubating) 2.2.0 (2021-05-20) ------------------------------- * Release Notes - Flagon - Version UserALE.js 2.2.0 * [Closed Tickets]( * Fixes issue in SendOnClose that caused end-of-page-lifecyle events not to be logged * Modernizes build pipeline (now uses rollup instead of gulp) * Adds Cypress Journey testing framework * Modernizes Unit Testing Framework * Adds 'PageLoad' logs, with load time metrics * Minor updates to update deprecated downstream dev dependencies * Minor changes to documentation, updated examples Apache Flagon UserALE.js (Incubating) 2.1.1 (2021-02-20) ------------------------------- * Release Notes - Flagon - Version UserALE.js 2.1.1 * [Closed Tickets]( * Fixes bug in SessionID creation at initial PageLoad * Updates Node.js/NPM Engine support (tested 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, 15.x) * Minor updates to resolve extant vulnerabilities in dependency tree * Minor updates to update deprecated downstream dev dependencies * Minor updates to build pipelines to accommodate dependency updates * Minor changes to documentation * Minor QOL upgrades to UserALE.js repository (CI, Dependabot) Apache Flagon UserALE.js (Incubating) 2.1.0 (2020-02-07) ------------------------------- * Release Notes - Flagon - Version UserALE.js 2.1.0 * [Release Report]( * Sub-task * [FLAGON-440] - create sendOnRefresh function in sendlog * [FLAGON-441] - utilize sessionStorage for sessionId so that sessionId isn't cleared until the tab is closed. * [FLAGON-442] - Update documentation for how to pass local storage, cookie data to sessionId * [FLAGON-451] - Update unit tests to accommodate session storage features * Bug * [FLAGON-341] - Web Extension Produces Duplicate Logs * [FLAGON-431] - Killing nodemon example server throws lifecycle error on node.js v12.7.0 * [FLAGON-483] - userale.log & userale.packageCustomLog logs are not being indexed by ES * [FLAGON-486] - toolName does not populate in logs * New Feature * [FLAGON-435] - track usage across multi-tab applications via script tag was: TabID to attach handlers * [FLAGON-436] - Print Screen Resolution * Improvement * [FLAGON-434] - capture what is submitted via forms * [FLAGON-443] - Add Options API Example to UserALE.js Example * [FLAGON-478] - Update index.html to provide instructions for generating certain kinds of logs * [FLAGON-479] - update readme for package manager/compiler deployment example * Test * [FLAGON-472] - test userale.js on node v > 13 * [FLAGON-480] - Test Browser Plugin Behavior with UMD userale format * [FLAGON-481] - update top level readme for new Package loader deployment instructions * [FLAGON-484] - confirm that 'require' method works as well as 'import' for webpack example * [FLAGON-485] - Add prototype .asf.yaml file * [FLAGON-487] - test data-version in script and options params * Task * [FLAGON-454] - Update eslint-utils to remove critical vulnerability in gulp-eslint v5.0 * [FLAGON-455] - Integrate forms example into index.html * [FLAGON-456] - Develop npm example for including UserALE.js * [FLAGON-457] - Remove 'useraction' field from logstream * [FLAGON-467] - Add (custom) Log API examples * [FLAGON-468] - expose PackageLog and supporting functions to aide in custom logging * [FLAGON-469] - Need "meta" package function to add meta data to non HTML events * [FLAGON-470] - Expose event object in Package Log to allow users to add, extract properties to events * [FLAGON-471] - SetRequestHeader should include an Authorization option * [FLAGON-473] - update packagefile for new version and engines * [FLAGON-475] - Print Browser Types, Version Apache Flagon UserALE.js (Incubating) 2.0.2 (2019-08-06) ------------------------------- * Release Notes - Flagon - Version UserALE.js 2.0.2 * [Release Report]( * Sub-task * [FLAGON-423] - Update Package File to Fix Down Stream Dependencies * Bug * [FLAGON-422] - Update NPM modules to fix prototype pollution issues in npm packages * [FLAGON-433] - FIx Package.json and Package-Log.json to resolve npm packaging issue * Improvement * [FLAGON-432] - Improve UserALEjs Example Server Instructions * Task * [FLAGON-424] - Update Gulp to 4.0.2 as matter of protocol post Prototype Pollution. * [FLAGON-425] - Update gulp-eslint * [FLAGON-426] - update rollup * [FLAGON-427] - update nodemon * [FLAGON-428] - update sinon * [FLAGON-429] - test userale.js builds and artifacts on npm 6.10 * [FLAGON-430] - update rollup-plugin-license Apache Flagon UserALE.js (Incubating) 2.0.0 (2019-06-20) ------------------------------- * Release Notes - Flagon - Version UserALE.js 2.0.0 * [Release Report]( * Sub-task * [FLAGON-220] - Add interval log timeout * [FLAGON-231] - Add Micro Second Field in UserALE.js to cover Elastic indexing and time encoding issues. * [FLAGON-240] - Update Elasticsearch mapping to accurately parse clientTime variable from userale.js * [FLAGON-333] - Add pageURL to UserALE.js logs * [FLAGON-334] - Add pageTitle to UserALE.js * [FLAGON-337] - Add pageReferrer to UserALE.js * Bug * [FLAGON-79] - clientTime is not properly formmated * [FLAGON-167] - Browser plugin CORS permissions * [FLAGON-169] - Browser Blocking Mixed Content * [FLAGON-221] - Elasticsearch 5.x does not support microsecond precision * [FLAGON-321] - Gulp Mocha Dependency Deprecation: Critical Command Injection Vulnerability * [FLAGON-322] - minimatch deprecation: ReDOS vulnerability * [FLAGON-323] - Update to Gulp 4.0.0 * [FLAGON-324] - Example Page Does Not Generate Logs * [FLAGON-338] - Mocha unit tests treat 'document' and 'window' as 'Undefinied' vars * [FLAGON-340] - UserALE.js fails to build on Branch-336 * New Feature * [FLAGON-29] - Determine how best to track sessions and users * [FLAGON-166] - Build Firefox Plugin that Deploys UserALE.min Script Tag (.js Use Case) * [FLAGON-173] - Provide Options page for Web Extension plugin * [FLAGON-192] - Record Interval Events * [FLAGON-232] - Explore options for capturing unique UserIDs (distinguishing browsers) at runtime. * [FLAGON-328] - Page Sessions in UserALE.js * [FLAGON-336] - Document Meta-Data on UserALE.js Logs * Improvement * [FLAGON-99] - Add custom log API method * [FLAGON-175] - Integrate web extension with existing User ALE build process * [FLAGON-196] - UserALE.js time sync * [FLAGON-217] - Track what type of change occurred in UserALE.js * [FLAGON-238] - Integrate Plugin Build Processes into NPM Build process * [FLAGON-271] - Investigate workflow for adding Chrome plugin to Chrome Store * [FLAGON-376] - Add pre-build UserALE.js in src * Test * [FLAGON-174] - Test web extension with Chrome * [FLAGON-183] - [RELEASE PROC] Verify UserALE.js Unit Tests for -192 Branch * Task * [FLAGON-93] - Readme Documentation of JS API * [FLAGON-223] - Make UserALE.js plugin persistent * [FLAGON-224] - Update UserALE.js Browser Plugin to Save Operating Params * [FLAGON-239] - Submit Firefox Extension to Firefox Verification * [FLAGON-285] - Address WARN deprecated during npm install * [FLAGON-289] - Remove Logstash Dependency for Header Requests * [FLAGON-294] - Branch Management * [FLAGON-345] - Update files to Apache Flagon * [FLAGON-383] - Update and Notices to Reflect Flagon namechange * [FLAGON-385] - Add Package-lock.json file to repos * [FLAGON-392] - Clean up for Merge with master * [FLAGON-396] - Add License to testUtils * [FLAGON-397] - Add Apache License headers to pre-built Artifacts * [FLAGON-399] - Update DOAP to reflect new version * [FLAGON-400] - Update Gulpfile to Add License to Build Artifacts * [FLAGON-401] - Add License to WebExtension Files * [FLAGON-402] - Update index.html version number * [FLAGON-403] - Add updated KEYs * [FLAGON-404] - Update to reflect version 2.0.0 * [FLAGON-405] - Add new filter examples to * [FLAGON-407] - Jenkins Builds Failing at Master * [FLAGON-408] - Update webextension files for Userale version number * [FLAGON-409] - Update package.json file to indicate that we can now support Node 12.2.0 (engines) * [FLAGON-410] - Add setLogMapper API examples to and Website * [FLAGON-411] - Update Release Scripts to Package WebExtension * [FLAGON-412] - Update Example page to include mapping and filtering examples * [FLAGON-413] - Update Changelog for Release Candidate