R frontend for Spark

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Documentation for package ‘SparkR’ version 1.4.0

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A C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U W misc

-- A --

agg S4 class that represents a DataFrame
agg Count
agg-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame
agg-method Count
alias-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
approxCountDistinct S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
approxCountDistinct-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
arrange Arrange
arrange-method Arrange
asc S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
avg S4 class that represents a DataFrame column

-- C --

cache-method Cache
cacheTable Cache Table
cast S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
cast-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
cbrt S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
clearCache Clear Cache
collect-method Collects all the elements of a Spark DataFrame and coerces them into an R data.frame.
Column-class S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
columns Get schema object
columns-method Column names
contains S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
count S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
count-method Count
count-method Count
countDistinct S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
countDistinct-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
createDataFrame Create a DataFrame from an RDD
createExternalTable Create an external table

-- D --

dataFrame S4 class that represents a DataFrame
DataFrame-class S4 class that represents a DataFrame
desc S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
describe describe
describe-method describe
distinct-method Distinct
dropna dropna
dropna-method dropna
dropTempTable Drop Temporary Table
dtypes Get schema object
dtypes-method DataTypes

-- E --

endsWith S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
except except
except-method except
explain Explain
explain-method Explain

-- F --

fillna dropna
fillna-method dropna
filter Filter
filter-method Filter
first-method Return the first row of a DataFrame

-- G --

getField S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
getItem S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
groupBy S4 class that represents a DataFrame
groupBy-method GroupBy
groupedData S4 class that represents a DataFrame
GroupedData-class S4 class that represents a GroupedData
group_by GroupBy
group_by-method GroupBy

-- H --

hashCode Compute the hashCode of an object
head-method Head
hypot S4 class that represents a DataFrame column

-- I --

infer_type infer the SQL type
insertInto insertInto
insertInto-method insertInto
intersect Intersect
intersect-method Intersect
isLocal isLocal
isLocal-method isLocal
isNotNull S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
isNull S4 class that represents a DataFrame column

-- J --

join-method Join
jsonFile Create a DataFrame from a JSON file.

-- L --

last S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
like S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
limit Limit
limit-method Limit
lower S4 class that represents a DataFrame column

-- M --

mutate WithColumn
mutate-method WithColumn

-- N --

n S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
n-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
na.omit dropna
names-method Column names
n_distinct S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
n_distinct-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame column

-- O --

orderBy Arrange
orderBy-method Arrange

-- P --

parquetFile Create a DataFrame from a Parquet file.
persist-method Persist
print.jobj Print a JVM object reference.
print.structField Print a Spark StructField.
print.structType Print a Spark StructType.
printSchema Get schema object
printSchema-method Print Schema of a DataFrame

-- R --

read.df Load an DataFrame
registerTempTable Register Temporary Table
registerTempTable-method Register Temporary Table
rename WithColumnRenamed
rename-method WithColumnRenamed
repartition-method Repartition
rint S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
rlike S4 class that represents a DataFrame column

-- S --

sample Sample
sample-method Sample
sample_frac Sample
sample_frac-method Sample
saveAsParquetFile saveAsParquetFile
saveAsParquetFile-method saveAsParquetFile
saveAsTable saveAsTable
saveAsTable-method saveAsTable
saveDF Save the contents of the DataFrame to a data source
saveDF-method Save the contents of the DataFrame to a data source
schema Get schema object
schema-method Get schema object
select Select
select-method Select
selectExpr Select
selectExpr-method SelectExpr
show-method show
showDF showDF
showDF-method showDF
sparkR.init Initialize a new Spark Context.
sparkR.stop Stop the Spark context.
sparkRHive.init Initialize a new HiveContext.
sparkRSQL.init Initialize a new SQLContext.
sql SQL Query
startsWith S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
structField structField
structType structType
substr-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
sumDistinct S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
summarize S4 class that represents a DataFrame
summarize Count
summarize-method S4 class that represents a DataFrame
summarize-method Count

-- T --

table Create a DataFrame from a SparkSQL Table
tableNames Table Names
tables Tables
take-method Take the first NUM rows of a DataFrame and return a the results as a data.frame
toDegrees S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
toRadians S4 class that represents a DataFrame column
toRDD S4 class that represents a DataFrame

-- U --

uncacheTable Uncache Table
unionAll UnionAll
unionAll-method UnionAll
unpersist-method Unpersist
upper S4 class that represents a DataFrame column

-- W --

where Filter
where-method Filter
withColumn WithColumn
withColumn-method WithColumn
withColumnRenamed WithColumnRenamed
withColumnRenamed-method WithColumnRenamed
write.df Save the contents of the DataFrame to a data source
write.df-method Save the contents of the DataFrame to a data source

-- misc --

$-method Select
$<--method Select
[-method Select
[[-method Select