Date: 26 Oct 1985 2242-EDT From: LCG.KERMIT@DEC-MARLBORO Subject: msxhpx problems Took the new version of MSXHPX.ASM last night. Unfortunately, in being compatible with both the 110 and the PLUS, it develops several problems on the plus. In particular: 1. PORT 2 is set to AUX. On the plus, this is not the INTERNAL MODEM necessarily, but is the default modem set in the system configurator. To insure that the internal modem is used, the PORT selection logic should select COM3, not AUX. 2. All character output is being sent to the punch via MSDOS PUNOUT call. This is slow, and, worse, will direct output to AUX even if the serial port is in use. 3. Minor points: the program starts with even parity and 7 bit words. This causes chaos in every situation we tried. Changes are shown below by giving at least one line before and after each change. Would appreciate your forwarding to appropriate authority. Also, leaving DTR on on the PLUS is not just a nuisance, it is deadly, since you also leave on the MODEM or SERIAL interface, which eats the battery at incredible rates. I have attached to the end of this a short program to turn those off. I run KERMIT on the plus from a command file KERMIT.BAT which contains the following: MSXHPX 1% MODEMOFF This guarantees modem/serial port doesn't run down battery. Mike Mellinger 800-325-0888 Modified MSXHPX follows: instat equ 6 wrdev equ 40H ; mjm rddev equ 3fH par_str db 'P' ; string used to set parity par_x db 4,';' brk_on db 'B1;' ; start sending breaks db 'SS0;' ; 1 Stop Bit Db 'SW0;' ; 8 Bit Length setktab db 0 com1 db 'COM1',0 com2 db 'COM3',0 blank db esc,'H',esc,'J$' db 04H,'COM1$' dw 01H db 04H,'COM3$' dw 00H ;outch3: mov dl,ah ; mov ah,punout ; Output char in DL to comm port. ; int dos outch3: mov byte ptr temp,ah mov bx,prthnd mov ah,wrdev mov cx,1 mov dx,offset temp int dos ; end DRA pop bx ******************************* MODEMOFF.ASM (make it into COM file...) ; MAIN SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'MAIN' ASSUME CS:MAIN,DS:MAIN,SS:MAIN,ES:NOTHING ; ORG 100H START PROC FAR MOV DX,OFFSET CHANNEL MOV AX,3D01H INT 21H MOV BX,AX MOV AX,4403H MOV DX,OFFSET OFFCOM MOV CX,6 INT 21H MOV AX,4C00H INT 21H OFFCOM DB 'M3;M5;' CHANNEL DB 'AUX',0 START ENDP MAIN ENDS END START ************************* ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Oct 85 23:08:28 mst From: dwf%b@LANL.ARPA (Dave Forslund) To: SY.FDC@CU20B In response to the problems with MSXHPX on the Portable Plus: 1. We felt the choice of the AUX port was an advantage because one could also choose the HP-IL loop RS-232 interface from the PAM without having to add an additional port in kermit itself. It is true to use the modem with Kermit one must have selected it in the PAM. However, if it is selected then port 1 is the serial port and port 2 is the modem (or HP-IL RS-232). Choosing COM3 for the Portable makes the code incompatible with the HP-110. 2. We used this call as it was in the generic Kermit. We will try this suggested fix. 3. Our choice of even parity and 7 bit words is what works on our network here at Los Alamos and avoided us having to have a .ini file to modify the defaults. If other like other defaults, so be it. 4. Thanks for the modemoff file. It will be a big help. By the way, for this code to work properly on the internal modem in the HP110 still requires some work, as the modem does not respond conversationally but requires special ioctl commands to dial, etc. We have not pursued this any further. Dave ( ------------------------------