.title KRTERR.MIN Error code to message text translation .ident "V03.62" ; /62/ 31-May-93 Billy Youdelman ; Copyright 1984 Change Software, Inc. .include "IN:KRTMAC.MIN" .iif ndf KRTINC .error <; .include for IN:KRTMAC.MIN failed> .psect $pdata .sbttl Error codes defined cmd$ab == -1 cmd$ex == -2 cmd$nx == -3 cmd$bad == -4 cmd$un == -5 er$ful == -6 er$nmf == -7 er$iop == -10 er$sys == -11 er$lby == -12 er$rer == -13 er$wer == -14 er$prv == -15 er$rtb == -16 er$que == -17 er$nin == -20 er$lgf == -21 er$raw == -22 er$rax == -23 er$sy1 == -24 er$sy2 == -25 er$sy3 == -26 er$vol == -27 er$nop == -30 er$wld == -31 er$bnl == -32 er$one == -33 fa$imp == -34 fa$nhd == -35 fa$dio == -36 fa$ovr == -37 fa$dfl == -40 fa$adr == -41 fa$lun == -42 er$try == -43 er$tim == -44 ld$bsy == -45 er$txp == -46 er$bad == -47 er$sam == -50 er$sun == -51 er$ass == -52 er$unr == -53 er$amb == -54 er$snd == -55 er$dk == -56 er$tam == -57 er$tun == -60 er$ser == -61 er$inr == -62 er$oct == -63 er$dev == -64 er$eof == -65 er$fnf == -66 er$iln == -67 er$aop == -70 er$lwe == -71 er$fnm == -72 maxerr == 72 .sbttl Error messages mapped errmap: .word baderr .word 10$,20$,30$,40$,50$,60$,70$,100$,110$,120$ .word 130$,140$,150$,160$,170$,200$,230$,240$,250$ .word 300$,310$,320$,340$,350$,360$,400$,410$,440$ .word 450$,460$,500$,510$,520$,530$,560$,610$,620$ .word 630$,640$,650$,660$,700$,730$,740$,750$ .word 1000$,1010$,1020$,1030$,1060$,1300$,1310$ .word 1320$,1330$,1340$,1350$,1550$,1560$ 10$: 20$: 30$: 40$: 50$: .asciz "Error handling failed!" 60$: .asciz "Not enough room" 70$: .asciz "No more files" 100$: .asciz "Invalid I/O request" 110$: .asciz "System error" 120$: .asciz "Logical unit already open" 130$: .asciz "Device read error" 140$: .asciz "Device write error" 150$: .asciz "File is protected" 160$: .asciz "Record too long for GETREC buffer" 170$: .asciz "No queue element free" 200$: .asciz "No data available" 230$: .asciz "Please open a LOGFILE first" 240$: .asciz "Can't log RAW I/O with another disk_based DEBUG option set" 250$: .asciz "Can't do this with RAW I/O logging on" 300$: .asciz ".CLOSE system error" 310$: .asciz ".CSISPC system error" 320$: .asciz ".ENTER system error" 340$: .asciz "Disk home block not RT-11 format, see HELP SET FILE NOVOL" 350$: .asciz "I/O channel not open" 360$: .asciz "Multiple files or wildcarding not supported here" 400$: .asciz "Maximum of 31 entries in the BINARY_TYPE list" 410$: .asciz "Illegal file type string" 440$: .asciz "Unknown .SERR error" 450$: .asciz "No device handler or device not responding" 460$: .asciz "Directory I/O error" 500$: .asciz "Overlay read error" 510$: .asciz "Directory is full" 520$: .asciz "Invalid address" 530$: .asciz "Invalid channel" 560$: .asciz "Retries must be between 3 and 30" 610$: .asciz "Time_out must be between 0 and 94" 620$: .asciz "Channel open to a logical disk" 630$: .asciz "Minimum packet length is 20" 640$: .asciz "Bad option or value" 650$: .asciz "Ambiguous SET command" 660$: .asciz "Unrecognizable SET command" 700$: .asciz "Syntax is ASS dev DK, only DK is supported" 730$: .asciz "Unrecognizable command" 740$: .asciz "Ambiguous command" 750$: .asciz "Syntax is SEND file.typ [dev:][asfile.new]" 1000$: .asciz "The only supported logical assign is DK" 1010$: .asciz "Ambiguous topic" 1020$: .asciz "Unrecognizable topic" 1030$: .asciz "Server sub-commands are not supported" 1060$: .asciz "Invalid number of retries" 1300$: .asciz "Range is 1 to 36 octal" 1310$: .asciz "Device not responding" 1320$: .asciz "End of file" 1330$: .asciz "File not found" 1340$: .asciz "Illegal logical name" 1350$: .asciz "Ambiguous option or value" 1550$: .asciz "Logfile write error" 1560$: .asciz "Bad file name" baderr: .asciz "Unknown error r0 = " .even .psect $code .sbttl Error message generator syserr::save mov #baderr ,r1 mov 2(r5) ,r2 movb #'? ,(r2)+ mov #prompt ,r0 1$: movb (r0)+ ,(r2)+ beq 2$ cmpb -1(r2) ,#'z!40 bhi 1$ cmpb -1(r2) ,#'a!40 blo 1$ bicb #40 ,-1(r2) br 1$ 2$: dec r2 cmpb -1(r2) ,#'> bne 3$ tstb -(r2) 3$: movb #'- ,(r2)+ movb #'E ,(r2)+ movb #'- ,(r2)+ mov (r5) ,r0 bge 10$ neg r0 10$: cmp r0 ,#maxerr bhi 20$ asl r0 mov errmap(r0),r1 20$: mov r1 ,-(sp) 30$: movb (r1)+ ,(r2)+ bne 30$ cmp (sp)+ ,#baderr bne 100$ movb #'< ,-1(r2) calls l$otoa , add #6 ,r2 movb #'> ,(r2)+ clrb (r2) 100$: unsave return .end