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Usage: gkermit [ options ] Options: -r Receive files -s fn Send files -g fn Get files from server -a fn As-name for single file -i Image (binary) mode transfer -T Text mode transfer -P Path/filename conversion disabled -w Write over existing files with same name -K Keep incompletely received files -p x Parity: x = o[dd],e[ven],m[ark],s[pace],n[one] -e n Receive packet-length (40-%d) -b n Timeout (sec, 0 = none) -x Force Xon/Xoff (--x = Don't force Xon/Xoff) -S Disable streaming -X External protocol -q Quiet (suppress messages) -d [fn] Debug to ./debug.log [or specified file] -h Help (this message) More info: %s <%s>      eeefZ^#( &Y~ ##f00<0H0T0`0l0x00000000000000 0,080D0P0\0h0t0000000000  d(\|  $ opoo6d d +<:i,xĀ:_y4]qĂق,n=,:p$BȂ?, 2!J"b#x$*+7׀89 : "; ;< UB nC F H ÀI ۀJ K L %M >N XO oP Q R V ҀX Y Z _ `b yc d e Āg ݀j C Z u ɀ  # ? \ vB  ҀO"3;B-EJRY!]?k svx, #Ӏ$%& "d 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double:t(0,18)=r(0,18);8;0;void:t(0,19)=(0,19)../include/libc-symbols.h/usr/src/bs/BUILD/glibc-2.1.3/build-sparc-linux/config.h../include/libintl.h../intl/libintl.h../include/features.h../include/sys/cdefs.h../misc/sys/cdefs.h/usr/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/include/stddef.h../include/locale.h../locale/locale.hlconv:T(10,1)=s48decimal_point:(10,2)=*(0,2),0,32;thousands_sep:(10,2),32,32;grouping:(10,2),64,32;int_curr_symbol:(10,2),96,32;currency_symbol:(10,2),128,32;mon_decimal_point:(10,2),160,32;mon_thousands_sep:(10,2),192,32;mon_grouping:(10,2),224,32;positive_sign:(10,2),256,32;negative_sign:(10,2),288,32;int_frac_digits:(0,2),320,8;frac_digits:(0,2),328,8;p_cs_precedes:(0,2),336,8;p_sep_by_space:(0,2),344,8;n_cs_precedes:(0,2),352,8;n_sep_by_space:(0,2),360,8;p_sign_posn:(0,2),368,8;n_sign_posn:(0,2),376,8;;../include/xlocale.h../locale/xlocale.h__locale_struct:T(13,1)=s36__locales:(13,2)=ar(0,1);0;5;(13,3)=*(13,4)=xslocale_data:,0,192;__ctype_b:(13,5)=*(0,9),192,32;__ctype_tolower:(13,6)=*(0,1),224,32;__ctype_toupper:(13,6),256,32;;__locale_t:t(13,7)=(13,8)=*(13,1)../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/_G_config.h../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sparc/bits/types.hsize_t:t(16,1)=(0,4)../sysdeps/wordsize-32/bits/wordsize.h__u_char:t(15,1)=(0,11)__u_short:t(15,2)=(0,9)__u_int:t(15,3)=(0,4)__u_long:t(15,4)=(0,5)__u_quad_t:t(15,5)=(0,7)__quad_t:t(15,6)=(0,6)__int8_t:t(15,7)=(0,10)__uint8_t:t(15,8)=(0,11)__int16_t:t(15,9)=(0,8)__uint16_t:t(15,10)=(0,9)__int32_t:t(15,11)=(0,1)__uint32_t:t(15,12)=(0,4)__int64_t:t(15,13)=(0,6)__uint64_t:t(15,14)=(0,7)__qaddr_t:t(15,15)=(15,16)=*(15,6)__dev_t:t(15,17)=(15,5)__uid_t:t(15,18)=(15,3)__gid_t:t(15,19)=(15,3)__ino_t:t(15,20)=(15,4)__ino64_t:t(15,21)=(15,4)__mode_t:t(15,22)=(15,3)__nlink_t:t(15,23)=(15,3)__off_t:t(15,24)=(0,3)__off64_t:t(15,25)=(15,6)__loff_t:t(15,26)=(15,6)__pid_t:t(15,27)=(0,1)__ssize_t:t(15,28)=(0,1)__rlim_t:t(15,29)=(15,4)__rlim64_t:t(15,30)=(15,5)__id_t:t(15,31)=(15,3)__fsid_t:t(15,32)=(15,33)=s8__val:(15,34)=ar(0,1);0;1;(0,1),0,64;;__daddr_t:t(15,35)=(0,1)__caddr_t:t(15,36)=(10,2)__time_t:t(15,37)=(0,3)__swblk_t:t(15,38)=(0,3)__clock_t:t(15,39)=(0,3)__fd_mask:t(15,40)=(0,5)__fd_set:t(15,41)=(15,42)=s128fds_bits:(15,43)=ar(0,1);0;31;(15,40),0,1024;;__key_t:t(15,44)=(0,1)__ipc_pid_t:t(15,45)=(0,9)__blkcnt_t:t(15,46)=(0,3)__blkcnt64_t:t(15,47)=(15,6)__fsblkcnt_t:t(15,48)=(15,4)__fsblkcnt64_t:t(15,49)=(15,5)__fsfilcnt_t:t(15,50)=(0,5)__fsfilcnt64_t:t(15,51)=(15,5)__t_scalar_t:t(15,52)=(0,3)__t_uscalar_t:t(15,53)=(0,5)__intptr_t:t(15,54)=(0,1)../linuxthreads/sysdeps/pthread/bits/pthreadtypes.h../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/bits/sched.h__sched_param:T(19,1)=s4sched_priority:(0,1),0,32;;_pthread_fastlock:T(18,1)=s8__status:(0,3),0,32;__spinlock:(0,1),32,32;;_pthread_descr:t(18,2)=(18,3)=*(18,4)=xs_pthread_descr_struct:pthread_attr_t:t(18,5)=(18,6)=s36__detachstate:(0,1),0,32;__schedpolicy:(0,1),32,32;__schedparam:(19,1),64,32;__inheritsched:(0,1),96,32;__scope:(0,1),128,32;__guardsize:(16,1),160,32;__stackaddr_set:(0,1),192,32;__stackaddr:(18,7)=*(0,19),224,32;__stacksize:(16,1),256,32;;pthread_cond_t:t(18,8)=(18,9)=s12__c_lock:(18,1),0,64;__c_waiting:(18,2),64,32;;pthread_condattr_t:t(18,10)=(18,11)=s4__dummy:(0,1),0,32;;pthread_key_t:t(18,12)=(0,4)pthread_mutex_t:t(18,13)=(18,14)=s24__m_reserved:(0,1),0,32;__m_count:(0,1),32,32;__m_owner:(18,2),64,32;__m_kind:(0,1),96,32;__m_lock:(18,1),128,64;;pthread_mutexattr_t:t(18,15)=(18,16)=s4__mutexkind:(0,1),0,32;;pthread_once_t:t(18,17)=(0,1)pthread_rwlock_t:t(18,18)=(18,19)=s32__rw_lock:(18,1),0,64;__rw_readers:(0,1),64,32;__rw_writer:(18,2),96,32;__rw_read_waiting:(18,2),128,32;__rw_write_waiting:(18,2),160,32;__rw_kind:(0,1),192,32;__rw_pshared:(0,1),224,32;;pthread_rwlockattr_t:t(18,20)=(18,21)=s8__lockkind:(0,1),0,32;__pshared:(0,1),32,32;;pthread_t:t(18,22)=(0,5)wchar_t:t(20,1)=(0,3)wint_t:t(20,2)=(0,4)_G_int16_t:t(14,1)=(0,8)_G_int32_t:t(14,2)=(0,1)_G_uint16_t:t(14,3)=(0,9)_G_uint32_t:t(14,4)=(0,4)_IO_stdin_used:G(0,1)GCC: 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