CPM-86 Kermit for Rainbow - 'SET BAUD' modifications ==================================================== The modifications implement three new features: 1. Set baud =========== The 'SET BAUD' subcommand has been implemented and works as on the CPM-80 implementation. The user is presented with a 'menu' of speeds and chooses one by pressing the appropriate key. To change the baud rate simply type 'SET BAUD' and choose the required speed. 2. Show baud ============ The 'SHOBD' routine has been implemented so that both 'SHOW' and 'STATUS' list the currently selected baud rate. 3. Default baud rate set ======================== The program now sets a default baud rate (currently 2400), this being determined at assembly time. To change the default speed modify the value assigned to 'DEFBD' ('DEFBD' is defined in the C86XXX file) and re-assemble as described in the main help file. The internal speed codes are given in the source file comments. Other Points ============ These modifications override the speed set by the VT-100 terminal emulator, the VT-100 values being re-instated when kermit terminates. If the VT-100 set up pages are used to modify the baud rate while kermit is running then the baud rate shown by 'SHOW' may be incorrect as the set up pages will modify the baud rate back from any set by kermit. If this does occur set up the baud rate again from kermit with the 'SET BAUD' command. All the described modifications and additions are to the C86XXX.A86 system depend I/O procedures module of the source and are fully documented and commented in the source code. Mark Woollard Animal and Grassland Research Institute Hurley Nr. Maidenhead Berks.