CC-DOS Kermit Distribution Notes, July 1991 Welcome to CC-DOS(/MS-DOS) Kermit ! I hope you would like this version of Kermit. First,a few words about the program. Please read MSKERM.DOC and this will give you an idea of how this version works. I have not edited that file, it is the MS-DOS distribution version, but most of what it says still applies. I translate the MS-DOS Kermit Version 2.32/A into a Chinese version which is named as CC-DOS Kermit (CCKermit, the prompt is Kermit-CC) and can run under either MS-DOS or CC-DOS (Chinese Code DOS). The CC-Kermit has such a feature that when it runs under MS-DOS, it is completely the MS-Kermit 2.32, but when it runs under CC-DOS, ALL messages on the display are Chinese and screen display mode is also modified. So if you know little English, you can also operate this Kermit successfully. There are a lot of versions of CC-DOS, such as LIANXIAN, STCDOS, CCDOS213, GWCDOS and so on, and among these versions many differences exist on screen display mode.the CC-Kermit version 2.32 can properly run on most of CC-DOS versions. In case you find it can't run on your machine, please tell me immediately. I would like to help you and ,ake the program more satisfactory. The file names of the source programs of the MS-Kermit 2.32 are renamed in this version, cc*.* replased for ms*.*. In additional, I put the code segment and data segment in a source file to two files, cc*.asm including code segment and cc*.dat including data segment. Original Name Distribution Name Comments (MS*.*) (CC*.*) MSSDEF.H CCSDEF.H MSYIBM.ASM CCYIBM.ASM CCYIBM.DAT MSSSER.ASM CCSSER.ASM CCSSER.DAT MSSTER.ASM CCSTER.ASM CCSTER.DAT MSSFIN.ASM CCSFIN.ASM MSZIBM.ASM CCZIBM.ASM CCZIBM.DAT MSSCOM.ASM CCSCOM.ASM CCSCOM.DAT MSGIBM.ASM CCGIBM.ASM CCGIBM.DAT MSSFIL.ASM CCSFIL.ASM CCSFIL.DAT MSSSEN.ASM CCSSEN.ASM CCSSEN.DAT MSSRCV.ASM CCSRCV.ASM CCSRCV.DAT MSSSCP.ASM CCSSCP.ASM CCSSCP.DAT MSUIBM.ASM CCUIBM.ASM CCUIBM.DAT MSHKOS.ASM CCHKOS.ASM CCHKOS.DAT MSSSET.ASM CCSSET.ASM CCSSET1.DAT CCSSET2.DAT MSXIBM.ASM CCXIBM.ASM CCXIBM.DAT MSSCMD.ASM CCSCMD.ASM CCSCMD.DAT MSSKER.ASM CCSKER.ASM CCSKER.DAT CCHKOS.ASM ; check DOS status MSKERMIT.INI CCKERMIT.INI MSKERMIT.EXE CCKERMIT.EXE ****PROBLEMS AND LIMITATIONS**** - The screen display size is adjusted under CC-DOS. As different CCDOS versions have their different screen rows, such as 11 rows, 16 rows, 20 rows or 25 rows, The size of the screen message window is formalized into 11 rows when SEND,RECEIVE, GET and SERVER commands are operated. - The function of terminal emulating under CC-DOS is imperfect. Some control keys probably cause screen disorder. I suggest you to use 'set terminal vt102'. - Use 'set key off' and 'set display 8' under CC-DOS. As a Chinese character is represented in two 8-bit bytes, it is necessary to set 8-bit character display and to read char through DOS function call, INT 21h. - Limitation exists for different display adapters. As we know, there are many kinds of display adapters, such as CGA, EGA, VGA, MDA, etc. It is no problems when you run CC-Kermit under MS-DOS. Nevertheless problems probably ocurr when it runs under CC-DOS. The reason is that Chinese characters are displayed on the screen as graphic mode, not char mode. So under CC-DOS any attempt to write video buffer directly used in MS-Kermit will be failed. In Additional, video buffer operation in BIOS is different to different adapters.When the module "ccyibm.asm" is assembled, a MASM /D option "CGA" must be used if you want to build a kermit.exe program running on a machine with a CGA or MDA adapter under CC-DOS. There are still things wrong in this version, but the list above should get you started! If you find bugs, please contact with me. I am going to do my best on this project as time permits. Quanfang Zhang Computer Network Research Lab Dept. of Comp. Sc. & Eng. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 P. R. China Tel: (571)572244 ext 2400 or (571)761211 Email: BMAZUNET@ICA.BEIJING.CANET.CN