/*****************************************************************************/ /* File K480Z.C - RML 480Z Kermit - Machine-dependent data & routines Chris Kennington 5th July 1985. */ #include "stdio.h" #include "b:kext.h" /* Data which is either machine-dependent or contains text which would not be appropriate for the Nimbus version. All escape-sequences and general control strings are built into and output by assembler-coded routines found in CS4COM.ZSM. */ char head1[] = " RML 480Z Kermit File Transfer Program,"; char backto[] = " OK - back to CP/M; "; char eprompt[] = "\r\04KmF4> "; char prompt[] = "\r\04Km480Z"; /* \04 to unlock screen */ curset(lin,col) /* set cursor position */ char lin, col; { static char msg[] = {0x16, 32, 32, 0}; msg[1] = lin+32; msg[2] = col+32; txtout(msg); return; } /* End of curset() */ fpanel() /* call front panel */ { jump(0x0013); /* magic address (ROS) */ outc(NL); return; } /* End of fpanel() */ unsigned getram(bytes) /* get reused memory */ /* Allocates the memory used by driver code etc. for overwriting */ int bytes; { extern unsigned drivers(); static unsigned base, top; static char flag = 0; unsigned *six; int ret; char c; if (flag == 0) { base = &drivers; six = 0x0006; /* CP/M => bottom of BDOS */ top = *six - 256; ++flag; } ret = base; base += bytes; if (base < top) return(ret); /* OK */ printmsg("Not enough store."); kermkill(1); } /* End of getram() */ /******************* END of K480Z.C ****************************/