/* This program is used to unpack the UniFLEX kermit HELP file. */ #include main() { char *fnm = "ufhelp.txt"; /* Default input file */ char *outdir = "/gen/kermit"; /* Files go there */ char *c = "~~~"; /* File name lead-in */ FILE *ifp, *ofp; char data[100]; ofp = -1; if ((ifp = fopen(fnm,"r")) == 0) { printf("Error opening input file %s\n",fnm); exit(1); } if (chdir(outdir)) { printf("Error going to '%s'\n",outdir); exit(1); } while (fgets(data,100,ifp)) { if (strncmp(c,data,3) == 0) /* lead-in string ? */ { if (ofp != -1) /* Close old output file */ fclose(ofp); data[strlen(data)-1] = '\0'; /* Zap trailing \n */ if ((ofp = fopen(&data[3],"w")) == 0) { printf("Error opening output file %s\n",&data[3]); exit(1); } } else fputs(data,ofp); /* Copy the data */ } fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); }