MS-DOS Kermit for DOS and Windows 3.x

MS-DOS Kermit is not designed or intended for use in Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, or XP, or OS/2. The recommended, supported, native, and current Kermit software for these operating systems is Kermit 95.    CLICK HERE for details.

MS-DOS Kermit 3.14 is a compact and efficient communications software package for IBM PCs and compatibles offering a wide range of faithful text and graphics terminal emulations, an astonishing variety of serial and network communication methods, a vast array of international character-set conversions, exceptionally flexible and powerful key mapping, a powerful, easy-to-use script programming language, and advanced Kermit file transfer.

MS-DOS Kermit runs directly under DOS 2.0 and later and under Microsoft Windows 3.11 or earlier. MS-DOS Kermit is not supported in Windows 95 and later.

MS-DOS Kermit 3.14 is packaged on diskette with the book Using MS-DOS Kermit by Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press (1992) [ Order from Amazon.Com ]. If you will be downloading MS-DOS Kermit, please also order the book -- it will enable you to get the most out of the software, and book sales help to support the self-funding Kermit project. Also be sure to check the KERMIT.UPD file on your MS-DOS Kermit diskette or in the archive for the latest information on MS-DOS Kermit.

MS-DOS Kermit may be downloaded by individuals for their own use or for use within an organization. However, MS-DOS Kermit must be licensed for redistribution; CLICK HERE for terms and conditions.

MS-DOS Kermit 3.14, 21 May 1995, is the most recent complete distribution. If you don't have MS-DOS Kermit at all, begin by downloading version 3.14:

MS-DOS Kermit 3.15, 15 September 1997, issued as an update to version 3.14 (you can install this on top of version 3.14):

The source code for MS-DOS Kermit is in the directory. The filenames all start with "ms" and end with ".asm", ".h" and ".c". For convenience, the source code for the IBM PC version of MS-DOS Kermit is also available in a ZIP file:

MS-DOS Kermit 3.16 is in Beta test (you can install this on top of 3.14 or 3.15):

Also see:
TCOMTXT, a tiny bootstrapping program that can be used to load programs onto a DOS PC through the serial port starting with only a diskette with the minimum system files.

More information:

[Kermit Project Home Page]

MS-DOS Kermit / Columbia University / / 8 February 1999