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If you set a password, it will be used in case the connection to the vncviewer is unsuccessful You chose to execute vnc with a password. Press to reboot your system. Running in cmdline mode, no interactive debugging allowed. The exact error message is: %s. The installer will now terminate. The installation was stopped due to incomplete spokes detected while running in non-interactive cmdline mode. Since there cannot be any questions in cmdline mode, edit your kickstart file and retry installation. The exact error message is: %s. The installer will now terminate. Please make your choice from [ '1' to enter the %(spoke_title)s spoke | '%(quit)s' to quit | '%(continue)s' to continue | '%(refresh)s' to refresh]: Please make your choice from above ['%(quit)s' to quit | '%(begin)s' to begin installation | '%(refresh)s' to refresh]: Please make your choice from above ['%(quit)s' to quit | '%(continue)s' to continue | '%(refresh)s' to refresh]: DNS: %s IPv4 Address: %(addr)s Netmask: %(netmask)s Gateway: %(gateway)s IPv6 Address: %(addr)s/%(prefix)d Starting text mode. Try the text mode installer by running: '/usr/bin/liveinst -T' from a root terminal.%(count)d disk selected; %(capacity)s capacity; %(free)s free%(count)d disks selected; %(capacity)s capacity; %(free)s free%(desc)s cannot be of type %(type)s%(desc)s cannot be of type %(type)s.%(desc)s must be between %(min)d and %(max)d MB in size%(desc)s must be mounted on one of %(mountpoints)s.%(desc)s must be within the first %(max_end)s of the disk.%(desc)s must not be larger than %(max)dMB.%(desc)s must not be smaller than %(min)dMB.%(deviceName)s may not have enough space for grub2 to embed core.img when using the %(fsType)s file system on %(deviceType)s%(freeSize)s of %(devSize)s%(fs)s must be on a device of type %(type)s%(name)s must have one of the following disklabel types: %(types)s.%(productName)s %(productVersion)s INSTALLATION%(productName)s %(productVersion)s installation%(productName)s %(productVersion)s installation on host %(name)s%(product_name)s requires %(needed_ram)s MB of memory to install, but you only have %(total_ram)s MB on this machine. %(sw_text)s You don't have enough space available to install %(product)s, even if you used all of the free space available on the selected disks.%d Mb/s%s (confirm): %s The disks you've selected have the following amounts of free space:%s cannot be encrypted%s cannot be on an encrypted block device.%s cannot be on an iSCSI disk%s free%s is missing. Cannot setup authentication.%s is missing. Cannot setup firewall.%s is now successfully installed and ready for you to use! Go ahead and reboot to start using it!%s is now successfully installed on your system and ready for you to use! When you are ready, reboot your system to start using it!%s is now successfully installed, but some configuration still needs to be done. Finish it and then click the Finish configuration button please.%s must be on a primary partition.%s timezone%s to switch layouts.%s: (%s free)/boot file system/boot/efi must be on a device of type %(oneFsType)s or %(anotherFsType)s0 GB0 MB:%(count)d disk; %(size)s capacity; %(free)s free space (unpartitioned and in file systems)%(count)d disks; %(size)s capacity; %(free)s free space (unpartitioned and in file systems)%(count)s disk; %(size)s reclaimable space (in file systems)%(count)s disks; %(size)s reclaimable space (in file systems)Tip: Keep your user name shorter than 32 characters and do not use spaces.Warning: All storage changes made using the installer will be lost when you press 'Rescan Disks'.Warning: All storage changes made using the installer will be lost when you choose to format.You don't have enough space available to install %(productName)s, even if you used all of the free space available on the selected disks. You could add more disks for additional space, modify your software selection to install a smaller version of %(productName)s, or quit the installer.You don't have enough space available to install %s. You can shrink or remove existing partitions via our guided reclaim space tool, or you can adjust your partitions on your own in the custom partitioning interface.:/Example: iqn.2012-09.com.example:diskarrays-sn-a8675309Example: squid.mysite.org:3128ADD A KEYBOARD LAYOUTADD A NEW MOUNT POINTADD DASD STORAGE TARGETADD iSCSI STORAGE TARGETADD zFCP STORAGE TARGETADVANCED USER CONFIGURATIONAMAM/PM DownAM/PM UpAVAILABLE SPACEA_utomatically configure partitioning.ActionAdd LayoutAdd NTP ServerAdd Specialized DiskAdd a new mount point.Add a new repository.Add and mark for usage NTP serversAdd deviceAdd-Ons for Selected EnvironmentAdded new %(type)s to existing container %(name)s.Additional repositoriesAdministrator %s will be createdAfter %d minutes, the installation will continue regardless of the amount of available entropyAlt + Shift to switch layouts.An error has occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new file systems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problem.An error occurred mounting the source device %s. Retry?An error occurred trying to mount some or all of your system. Some of it may be mounted under %s An error occurred unmounting the disc. Please make sure you're not accessing %s from the shell on tty2 and then click OK to retry.An error occurred while resizing the device %s.An unknown error occurred during installation. Details are below.Apply configuration in installerAre you sure you want to delete all of the data on %s, including snapshots and/or subvolumes?Are you sure you want to delete all of the data on %s?Are you sure you wish to quit the installation process?As large as possibleAt least one of your swap devices does not have a UUID, which is common in swap space created using older versions of mkswap. These devices will be referred to by device path in /etc/fstab, which is not ideal since device paths can change under a variety of circumstances. Attempting to connect to vnc client on host %s...Attempting to start vncconfigAuthenticationAuthentication requiredAuthentication required by wireless networkAutomaticAutomatic partitioning failed. Click for details.Automatic partitioning selectedAutopartitioning OptionsAvailable LayoutsAvailable entropy: %(av_entr)s, Required entropy: %(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%]Available entropy: %(av_entr)s, Required entropy: %(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%] (%(rem)d %(min)s remaining)Available languagesAvailable localesAvailable regionsAvailable timezones in region %sBad format of the IP addressBase EnvironmentBase environmentBeta WarnBondBond %(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) connectedBootBridgeBridge%(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) connectedBtrfsBtrfs partition "%(device)s" has a format of "%(format)s", but should have a format of "Btrfs".Btrfs partition "%s" is defined multiple times.Btrfs volume "%s" specified with --useexisting does not exist.Btrfs volume defined without any member devices. Either specify member devices or use --useexisting.CCWCD/DVDCHAP pairCHAP pair and a reverse pairCONFIGURATIONCONFIGURE %(container_type)sCONFIGURE CONTAINERCONFIGURE MOUNT POINTCREATE USERCUSTOMIZATIONCable unpluggedCan't apply configuration, device activation failed.Cannot install to unpartitionable device "%s".Cannot relabel already existing file system.Cannot set label on file system.CapacityChanges here will only apply to the installed system. Use the desktop's tool to configure the keyboard for the installation process.Checking image checksumChecking software dependencies...Checking storage configuration...Choose an installation source type.CityCloseClosest mirrorCmdlineError: Missing package: %sComplete!Configuration not saved: gateway or netmask missing in static configurationConfigure NTPConfigure device %sConfiguring addonsConfiguring device %s.Configuring installed systemConfirm PasswordConnect automatically after rebootConnectedConnected!Connected: %(list_of_interface_names)sConnectingConnecting...Connection failedContinueContinuing with this action will reset all your partitioning selections to their current on-disk state.Create a new %(container_type)s ...Create new mount points by clicking the '+' button.Create or select %(container_type)sCreating usersCurrent layout: '%s'. Add more layouts to enable switching.Current layout: '%s'. Click to switch to the next layout.Custom partitioning selectedCustom software selectedDATADATE & TIMEDEFAULT TITLEDISK ENCRYPTION PASSPHRASEDISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode.DISTRIBUTION INSTALLATIONDNSDefault HUB titleDefault RouteDefault spoke titleDeleteDeployment complete: %sDeployment starting: %sDescriptionDescription goes here.Device "%s" given in clearpart device list does not exist.Device NameDevice SelectionDevice configurationDevice descriptionDevice discovery failed.Device does not support RAID level selection %s.Device reconfiguration failed. Click for details.Device reformat request failed. Click for details.Device removal request failed. Click for details.Device resize request failed. Click for details.Device(s):Device:Device: %sDisconnectedDisconnectingDisconnecting...Discovering DASD devices. This may take a moment...Discovering iSCSI targets. This may take a moment...Discovering realm to joinDiscovering zFCP devices. This may take a moment...Discovery login rejected.DiskDisk "%s" given in clearpart command does not exist.Disk "%s" given in ignoredisk command does not exist.Disk "%s" given in part command does not exist.Disk "%s" in part command is not partitioned.Disk formatting complete.Disk rescan complete.Disk summary goes hereDisklabel "%s" given in clearpart command is not supported on this platform.Disks left unselected here will not be touched.Do you really want to quit?Downloading %(url)s (%(pct)d%%)Downloading group metadata...Downloading package metadata...Duplicate repository names.EmptyEmpty repository nameEnabledEncryptEncryptionEnough entropy gathered, please stop typing.Enter new value for '%s' and press enter EnterpriseEntropy can be increased by typing randomly on keyboardErrorError adding FCoE SAN.Error checking software dependenciesError checking software dependencies. Click for details.Error checking software selectionError checking storage configurationError checking storage configuration. Click for details.Error checking storage configuration. Click for details or press Done again to continue.Error downloading package metadataError setting up ISO fileError setting up base repositoryError setting up software sourceEscrow certificate %s requires the network.EthernetExample:Exit the shell to continueExtra characters in proxy URLFCP device %(hba_id)s WWPN %(wwpn)s LUN %(lun)sFailed to add new device. Click for details.Failed to save storage configuration...Failed to set up installation sourceFailed to set up installation source; check the repo urlFailed to set up installation source; check the repo url and proxy settingsFailed to unlock encrypted block device. Click for details.FairFile SystemFirmware missingFixedFormatting /dev/%s. This may take a moment.Formatting DASDsFreeFree spaceFree space available for use.Free space unavailable but reclaimable from existing partitions.Full NameFull name cannot contain colon charactersGRUB2 does not support installation to a partition.GUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_CancelGUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_Device number:GUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_OKGUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_Retry DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|DASD|Configure_Start DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoEUse _DCBGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoEUse auto _VLANGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoE_Add FCoE Disk(s)GUI|Advanced Storage|FCoE_CancelGUI|Advanced Storage|FCoE_NIC:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_Bind targets to network interfaces. This may take a moment...GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_CancelGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_Discovery Authentication Type:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_OKGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure_Target IP Address:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|ConfigureiSCSI _Initiator Name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Retry_Retry DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPReverse CHAP Pass_word:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Reverse CHAPReverse CHAP User _name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Configure|Start_Start DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login_Node Login Authentication Type:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Login_Log InGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|RetryRetry _Log InGUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAPCHAP _Password:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAPCHAP _User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAPReverse CHAP Pass_word:GUI|Advanced Storage|iSCSI|Login|Reverse CHAP_Reverse CHAP User name:GUI|Advanced Storage|zFCP|Device Number_Device number:GUI|Advanced Storage|zFCP|Retry Discovery_Retry DiscoveryGUI|Advanced Storage|zFCP|Start Discovery_Start DiscoveryGUI|Advanced UserHome _directory:GUI|Advanced UserSpecify a _group ID manually:GUI|Advanced UserSpecify a _user ID manually:GUI|Advanced User_Add user to the following groups:GUI|Advanced User_CancelGUI|Advanced User_Save ChangesGUI|Custom Partitioning%d _storage device selected%d _storage devices selectedGUI|Custom PartitioningAddGUI|Custom PartitioningRefreshGUI|Custom PartitioningRemoveGUI|Custom Partitioning_Reset AllGUI|Custom Partitioning|Add DialogMount _Point:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Add Dialog_Add mount pointGUI|Custom Partitioning|Add Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Add Dialog_Desired Capacity:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureDevice _Type:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureFile S_ystem:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureRA_ID Level:GUI|Custom Partitioning|ConfigureRef_ormatGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure_EncryptGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure_Modify...GUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure_Volume Group:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure Dialog_SelectGUI|Custom Partitioning|Configure|Devices_Modify...GUI|Custom Partitioning|Confirm Delete DialogDelete _all other file systems in the %s root as well.GUI|Custom Partitioning|Confirm Delete Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Confirm Delete Dialog_Delete ItGUI|Custom Partitioning|Container DialogSi_ze policy:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Container Dialog_CancelGUI|Custom Partitioning|Container Dialog_Name:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Container Dialog_SaveGUI|Custom Partitioning|Devices and %d other and %d othersGUI|Custom Partitioning|Encrypted_Passphrase:GUI|Custom Partitioning|Encrypted_UnlockGUI|DASD Format Dialog_CancelGUI|DASD Format Dialog_Format with dasdfmtGUI|DASD Format Dialog_OKGUI|Date and Time24-_hourGUI|Date and Time_AM/PMGUI|Date and Time_City:GUI|Date and Time_Network TimeGUI|Date and Time_Region:GUI|Date and Time|NTP_CancelGUI|Date and Time|NTP_OKGUI|Detailed Error Dialog_CancelGUI|Detailed Error Dialog_QuitGUI|Installation Destination|Filter%d _storage device selected%d _storage devices selectedGUI|Installation Destination|FilterAdd EC_KD DASD...GUI|Installation Destination|FilterAdd FCo_E SAN...GUI|Installation Destination|FilterAdd _iSCSI Target...GUI|Installation Destination|FilterRefresh _ListGUI|Installation Destination|FilterSearc_hGUI|Installation Destination|Filter_Add zFCP LUN...GUI|Installation Destination|Filter_Multipath DevicesGUI|Installation Destination|Filter_Other SAN DevicesGUI|Installation Destination|Filter_zSeries DevicesGUI|Installation Destination|Filter|MultipathFilter _By:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Multipath|InterconnectShow Only _Devices With:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Multipath|VendorShow Only _Devices From:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Multipath|WWIDShow Only _Devices Containing:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|OtherFilter _By:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Other|IDShow Only _Devices Containing:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Other|InterconnectShow Only _Devices With:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Other|VendorShow Only _Devices From:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|SearchSearch Res_ults:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|SearchSearch _By:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|Port Target LUN_LUN:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|Port Target LUN_Port:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|Port Target LUN_Target:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|Search|WWID_WWID:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeriesFilter B_y:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeries|CCW_CCW:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeries|LUN_LUN:GUI|Installation Destination|Filter|zSeries|WWPN_WWPN:GUI|Keyboard LayoutMove selected layout _downGUI|Keyboard LayoutMove selected layout _upGUI|Keyboard Layout_Add layoutGUI|Keyboard Layout_OptionsGUI|Keyboard Layout_Preview layoutGUI|Keyboard Layout_Remove layoutGUI|Keyboard Layout_Test the layout configuration below:GUI|Keyboard Layout|Add Layout_AddGUI|Keyboard Layout|Add Layout_CancelGUI|Keyboard Layout|Switching Options_CancelGUI|Keyboard Layout|Switching Options_OKGUI|Main_NoGUI|Main_YesGUI|NetworkUnloc_kGUI|Network_Airplane ModeGUI|Network_Host name:GUI|Network|Add Device Dialog_AddGUI|Network|Add Device Dialog_CancelGUI|Network|Add Device Dialog_Select the type of device you wish to addGUI|Network|Authentication DialogC_onnectGUI|Network|Authentication Dialog_CancelGUI|Network|Mobile Broadband_Configure...GUI|Network|ProxyHTTP _ProxyGUI|Network|ProxyH_TTPS ProxyGUI|Network|Proxy_Configuration URLGUI|Network|Proxy_FTP ProxyGUI|Network|Proxy_MethodGUI|Network|Proxy_Socks HostGUI|Network|Secrets Dialog_Key:GUI|Network|Secrets Dialog_Password:GUI|Network|VPN_Configure...GUI|Network|WiredC_onfigure...GUI|Network|Wireless_Configure...GUI|Network|Wireless_Network NameGUI|Network|Wireless_Stop Hotspot...GUI|Network|Wireless_Use as Hotspot...GUI|Passphrase DialogCon_firm:GUI|Passphrase Dialog_CancelGUI|Passphrase Dialog_Passphrase:GUI|Passphrase Dialog_Save PassphraseGUI|Password_Confirm:GUI|Password_Root Password:GUI|Progress_Finish configurationGUI|Progress_QuitGUI|Progress_RebootGUI|Reclaim DialogDelete _allGUI|Reclaim DialogPreserve _allGUI|Reclaim Dialog_CancelGUI|Reclaim Dialog_DeleteGUI|Reclaim Dialog_PreserveGUI|Reclaim Dialog_Reclaim spaceGUI|Reclaim Dialog_ShrinkGUI|Refresh Dialog|Rescan_CancelGUI|Refresh Dialog|Rescan_OKGUI|Refresh Dialog|Rescan_Rescan DisksGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_CloseGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_Do not install boot loaderGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_RemoveGUI|Selected Disks Dialog_Set as Boot DeviceGUI|Software Selection|Error DialogModify _SelectionsGUI|Software Selection|Error Dialog_Modify Software SourceGUI|Software Selection|Error Dialog_QuitGUI|Software SourceA_ddGUI|Software SourceD_evice:GUI|Software SourceDon't install the latest available software _updates. Install the default versions provided by the installation source above.GUI|Software SourceN_FS mount options:GUI|Software SourcePass_word:GUI|Software SourcePro_xy URL:GUI|Software SourceRese_tGUI|Software SourceThis URL refers to a _mirror list.GUI|Software SourceThis URL refers to a mirror _list.GUI|Software SourceU_ser name:GUI|Software Source_Auto-detected installation media:GUI|Software Source_Choose an ISOGUI|Software Source_ISO file:GUI|Software Source_Name:GUI|Software Source_On the network:GUI|Software Source_Proxy setup...GUI|Software Source_RemoveGUI|Software Source_VerifyGUI|Software Source|ISO Chooser Dialog_CancelGUI|Software Source|ISO Chooser Dialog_OpenGUI|Software Source|Media Check Dialog_DoneGUI|Software Source|Proxy DialogPass_wordGUI|Software Source|Proxy DialogUser _nameGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_CancelGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_Enable HTTP ProxyGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_OKGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_Proxy HostGUI|Software Source|Proxy Dialog_Use AuthenticationGUI|SpokeDATE & _TIMEGUI|SpokeINSTALLATION _DESTINATIONGUI|Spoke_INSTALLATION DESTINATIONGUI|Spoke_INSTALLATION SOURCEGUI|Spoke_KEYBOARDGUI|Spoke_LANGUAGE SUPPORTGUI|Spoke_NETWORK & HOST NAMEGUI|Spoke_ROOT PASSWORDGUI|Spoke_SOFTWARE SELECTIONGUI|Spoke_USER CREATIONGUI|Storage_Add a disk...GUI|Storage_Full disk summary and boot loader...GUI|Storage|Error Dialog_Modify Storage LayoutGUI|Storage|Error Dialog_QuitGUI|Storage|Need Space DialogCancel & _add more disksGUI|Storage|Need Space Dialog_Reclaim spaceGUI|Storage|No Space Dialog_CancelGUI|Storage|No Space Dialog_Quit installerGUI|Summary_Begin InstallationGUI|Summary_QuitGUI|Summary Dialog_Accept ChangesGUI|Summary Dialog_Cancel & Return to Custom PartitioningGUI|UserMake this user administratorGUI|UserRequire a password to use this accountGUI|User_Advanced...GUI|User_Confirm passwordGUI|User_Full nameGUI|User_PasswordGUI|User_User nameGUI|Welcome|Beta Warn DialogI want to _exit.GUI|Welcome|Beta Warn DialogI want to _proceed.GUI|Welcome|Unsupported Hardware Dialog_ContinueGUI|Welcome|Unsupported Hardware Dialog_QuitGatewayGenerating initramfsGenerating updated storage configurationGetting list of layouts...Giving up attempting to connect after %d try! Giving up attempting to connect after %d tries! Giving up, time (%d minutes) ran out.GoodGraphical installation is not available. Starting text mode.Group MembershipGroup NameGroup PasswordHardware AddressHardware error occuredHelp!Here we'll describe how much space is needed for the current software selection.Here we'll describe what your options are.Host nameHost name cannot be None or an empty string.Host name is not valid: %sHost name must be 255 or fewer characters in length.Host name: %s Host names can only contain the characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '-', or '.', parts between periods must contain something and cannot start or end with '-'.Hour DownHour UpHoursI would like to _make additional space available.IDIMEIINSTALLATION DESTINATIONINSTALLATION OPTIONSINSTALLATION SOURCEINSTALLATION SUMMARYIP AddressIPv4 AddressIPv4 address or %s for DHCPIPv4 gatewayIPv4 netmaskIPv6 AddressIPv6 address or %(auto)s for automatic, %(dhcp)s for DHCP, %(ignore)s to turn offIPv6 default gatewayIdentifierIdentity: InstallInstall the live CD to your hard diskInstall to Hard DriveInstallationInstallation DestinationInstallation requires partitioning of your hard drive. Select what space to use for the install target.Installation sourceInstallation source needs to be set up first.Installation source not set upInstallation was stopped due to an error installing the boot loader. The exact error message is: %s The installer will now terminate.InstallingInstalling boot loaderInstalling softwareInterconnectInterfaceInvalid URLInvalid container nameInvalid environment specified in kickstartInvalid group name: %sInvalid host nameInvalid partition size set. Use a valid integer.Invalid proxy URLInvalid proxy protocol: %sInvalid repository nameInvalid timezoneInvalid user nameInvalid user name: %s. Joining realm: %sKEYBOARD LAYOUTLANGUAGE SUPPORTLAYOUT SWITCHING OPTIONSLOCALIZATIONLUKS device %s has no encryption keyLUNLUN:LVMLVM Thin ProvisioningLabel:Label: %sLanguage is not set.Language settingsLanguagesLayout OptionsLayout switching not configured.Local Standard DisksLocal mediaLocalesLogical volume "%s" given in logvol command does not exist.Logical volume name "%(logvol)s" is already in use in volume group "%(volgroup)s".Logical volume size "%(logvolSize)s" must be larger than the volume group extent size of "%(extentSize)s".MANUAL PARTITIONINGMEDIA VERIFICATIONMinutesMinutes DownMinutes UpModelMore Network Config BoxMore customization options are available after creating the mount point below.More than one match found for given boot drive "%s".Mount _Point:Mount pointNETWORK & HOST NAMENETWORK CONFIGURATIONNFS mount optionsNFS server %sNFS server is emptyNIC "%s" given in fcoe command does not exist.NameName of the repository.Nameservers (comma separated)Need SpaceNetworkNetwork Config BoxNetwork NameNetwork configurationNetwork interface "%(nic)s" required by iSCSI "%(iscsiTarget)s" target is not up.New %(name)s %(version)s InstallationNew DeviceNew NTP ServerNew SelectorNew valueNo *.iso files found in device root folderNo SpaceNo credentials (discovery authentication disabled)No disk found for specified BIOS disk "%s".No disks assignedNo disks detected. Please shut down the computer, connect at least one disk, and restart to complete installation.No disks selectedNo disks selected.No disks selected; please select at least one disk to install to.No host urlNo installation source availableNo mountable devices foundNo network devices availableNo size given for logical volume "%s". Use one of --useexisting, --size, or --percent.No thin pool exists with the name "%s". Specify thin pools before thin volumes.No user will be createdNo valid boot loader target device found. See below for details.No volume group exists with the name "%s". Specify volume groups before logical volumes.Node NameNode login failed.NoneNot connectedNot enough RAMNot enough free space on selected disks.Not enough space in file systems for the current software selection. An additional %s is needed.Not resizeableNote: The settings you make on this screen will not be applied until you click on the main menu's 'Begin Installation' button.Nothing selectedNotice: This is pre-release software that is intended for development and testing purposes only. Do not use this software for any critical work or for production environments. By clicking "I want to proceed", you understand and accept the risks associated with pre-release software, that you intend to use this for testing and development purposes only, and are willing to report any bugs or issues in order to enhance this work. If you do not understand or accept the risks, then please exit this program by clicking "I want to exit" which will reboot your system.Optional proxy password.Optional proxy user name.Or, assign new mount points to existing partitions after selecting them below.OrderOther Storage OptionsPMPRE-RELEASE / TESTINGPV partition "%s" is defined multiple times.ParentPartition "%s" given in part command does not exist.Partition Scheme OptionsPartitioningPassphrase contains non-ASCII charactersPassphrase for autopart encryption not specified.Passphrase: Passphrases do not match.PasswordPassword (confirm): Password is not set.Password is set.Password set.Password: Passwords do not match!Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless networkPasswords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network '%(network_id)s'.PathsPercentage must be between 0 and 100.Performing post-installation setup tasksPhysical volume "%(device)s" has a format of "%(format)s", but should have a format of "lvmpv".Please complete all spokes before continuingPlease complete items marked with this icon before continuing to the next step.Please create a name for this %(container_type)s and select at least one disk below.Please create a name for this container and select at least one disk below.Please enter a valid mount point.Please enter a valid name.Please make a selection from the above: Please make your selection from the above list. Press 'c' to continue after you have made your selection. Please manually connect your vnc client to %s to begin the install.Please manually connect your vnc client to :%s to begin the install. Switch to the shell (Ctrl-B 2) and run 'ip addr' to find the .Please press to get a shell. Please provide VNC password (must be six to eight characters long). You will have to type it twice. Leave blank for no passwordPlease respond '%(yes)s' or '%(no)s': Please select language support to install. [%(back)s to return to language list, %(continue)s to continue, %(quit)s to quit]: Please select new root password. You will have to type it twice.Please select the network interface which is connected to your FCoE switch.Please select the timezone. Use numbers or type names directly [%(back)s to region list, %(quit)s to quit]: Please ssh install@%s to begin the install.Please ssh install@ to continue installation.Please use the live desktop environment's tools for customizing your network configuration. You can set the host name here.Please wait... software metadata still loading.PortPort / Target / LUN #PortalPreparing deployment of %sPreparing to installPreparing transaction from installation sourcePreservePress ENTER to continuePress enter to exit.Pressing 'OK' below will take you to the disk selection screen where you will need to re-select your disks.Private key password: Probing storage...Processing...ProgressProtocol for the repository URL.Protocol in URL does not match selected protocolProviderProxy authentication data duplicatedQuestionQuitRAIDRAID Level:RAID device "%s" given in raid command does not exist.RAID device "%(device)s" has a format of "%(format)s", but should have a format of "mdmember".RAID partition "%s" is defined multiple times.RAID sets that contain '%(desc)s' must have one of the following device types: %(types)s.RAID sets that contain '%(desc)s' must have one of the following metadata versions: %(metadata_versions)s.RAID sets that contain '%(desc)s' must have one of the following raid levels: %(raid_level)s.RAID volume "%s" specified with --useexisting does not exist.RAID0 (Performance)RAID1 (Redundancy)RAID10 (Performance, Redundancy)RAID4 (Error Checking)RAID5 (Distributed Error Checking)RAID6 (Redundant Error Checking)RECLAIM DISK SPACERESCAN DISKSROOT PASSWORDRandom data quality:Read-only mountReclaimable SpaceRegionReload storage configuration from disk.Remote directory is requiredRemove the selected mount point(s).Remove the selected repository.Replace Existing Linux system(s)Repo URLRepository name conflicts with internal repository name.Requested boot drive "%s" doesn't exist or cannot be used.RescueRescue MountRestoring hardware time...Revert to the previous list of repositories.Root SelectionRoot account is disabledRoot account is disabled.Root passwordRoot password is not setRoot password is setRun %s to unmount the system when you are finished.Run %s to unmount the system when you are finished. Running post-installation scriptsRunning pre-installation scriptsSELECTED DISKSSOFTWARESOFTWARE SELECTIONSPOKE NAMESUMMARY OF CHANGESSYSTEMSaving storage configuration...Scanning disks. This may take a moment...SecuritySecurity KeySelect a partition scheme configuration.Select additional language support to be installed:Select allSelect an ISO to use as install sourceSelect device containing the ISO fileSelect one or more disks this device may reside on.Select the device(s) you'd like to install to. They will be left untouched until you click on the main menu's "Begin Installation" button.Selected DeviceSelected LayoutsSelected environment is not validSet Date & TimeSet host nameSetting up installation source...Setting up the installation environmentSettings default fstype to %s failed.ShellShrinkSingle (No Redundancy, No Striping)Skip to shellSlavesSoftware selectionSource changed - please verifySpecialized & Network DisksSpecified name %s already in use.Specify Repo OptionsSpeedStandard PartitionStart VNCStart shellStarting Install to Hard DriveStarting VNC...Starting automated installStarting package installation processStarting pull of %(branchName)s from %(source)sStatus unknownStatus unknown (missing)Storage OptionsStorage configuration reset due to unrecoverable error. Click for details.StrongSubnet MaskTOTAL SPACETUI|Spoke NavigationbTUI|Spoke NavigationcTUI|Spoke NavigationnoTUI|Spoke NavigationqTUI|Spoke NavigationrTUI|Spoke NavigationyesTUI|Spoke Navigation|Language SupportbTUI|Spoke Navigation|Language SupportcTUI|Spoke Navigation|Language SupportqTUI|Spoke Navigation|Time SettingsbTUI|Spoke Navigation|Time SettingsqTargetTarget WWIDTarget size "%(size)s" for device "%(device)s" is invalid.TeamTeam%(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) connectedTesting layouts configuration not available.Text mode provides a limited set of installation options. It does not offer custom partitioning for full control over the disk layout. Would you like to use VNC mode instead?That mount point is already in use. Try something else?That mount point is already in use. Try something else?That mount point is invalid. Try something else?The "%s" file system type is not supported.The %(product_name)s graphical installer requires %(needed_ram)s MB of memory, but you only have %(total_ram)s MB .The %s kickstart command is not currently supported.The 'boot' area on your computer is where files needed to start the operating system are stored.The 'home' area on your computer is where all your personal data is stored.The 'root' area on your computer is where core system files and applications are stored.The 'swap' area on your computer is used by the operating system when running low on memory.The BIOS boot partition is required to enable booting from GPT-partitioned disks on BIOS hardware.The ISO image %s has a size which is not a multiple of 2048 bytes. This may mean it was corrupted on transfer to this computer. It is recommended that you exit and abort your installation, but you can choose to continue if you think this is in error. Would you like to continue using this image?The PReP boot partition is required as part of the boot loader configuration on some PPC platforms.The RAID level you have selected (%(level)s) requires more disks (%(min)d) than you currently have selected (%(count)d).The RAID volume name "%s" is already in use.The VNC server is now running.The container is encrypted.The following error occurred discovering DASD devices. Please double check your configuration information and try again.The following error occurred discovering iSCSI targets. Please double check your authorization information and try again.The following error occurred discovering zFCP devices. Please double check your configuration information and try again.The following error occurred logging into the selected iSCSI node. Please double check your authorization information and try againThe following error occurred while attempting to add an FCoE SAN. Please check your configuration and try againThe following error occurred while installing the boot loader. The system will not be bootable. Would you like to ignore this and continue with installation?The following error occurred while installing. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted.The following error was encountered while downloading the escrow certificate: %sThe following errors occurred with your partitioning: %(errortxt)s The installation will now terminate.The following errors were encountered when checking your storage configuration. You can modify your storage layout or quit the installer.The following file systems for your Linux system were not unmounted cleanly. Would you like to mount them anyway? %sThe following installations were discovered on your system. The following mandatory spokes are not completed:The following nodes have been discovered using the iSCSI initiator %(initiatorName)s using the target IP address %(targetAddress)s. Please select which nodes you wish to log into:The following software marked for installation has errors. This is likely caused by an error with your installation source.The following unformatted or LDL DASDs have been detected on your system. You can choose to format them now with dasdfmt or cancel to leave them unformatted. Unformatted DASDs cannot be used during installation.The following unformatted or LDL DASDs have been detected on your system. You can choose to format them now with dasdfmt or cancel to leave them unformatted. Unformatted DASDs cannot be used during installation. The following warnings were encountered when checking your storage configuration. These are not fatal, but you may wish to make changes to your storage layout.The group '%s' is required for this installation. This group does not exist. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted.The installation cannot continue and the system will be rebootedThe installation was stopped due to what seems to be a problem with your hardware. The exact error message is: %s. The installer will now terminate.The installer has tried to mount the installation image, but cannot find it on the hard drive. Should I try again to locate the image?The maximum size "%s" is invalid.The mount point "%s" is not valid. It must start with a /.The mount point %s must be on a linux file system.The package '%s' is required for this installation. This package does not exist. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted.The password cannot be more than eight characters long.The password is empty.The password is set.The password must be at least six characters long.The password was set by kickstart.The password you have provided contains non-ASCII characters. You may not be able to switch between keyboard layouts to login. Press Done to continue.The password you have provided is weak. You will have to press Done twice to confirm it.The password you have provided is weak: %s. You will have to press Done twice to confirm it.The passwords do not match.The passwords you entered were different. Please try again.The rescue environment will now attempt to find your Linux installation and mount it under the directory : %s. You can then make any changes required to your system. Choose '1' to proceed with this step. You can choose to mount your file systems read-only instead of read-write by choosing '2'. If for some reason this process does not work choose '3' to skip directly to a shell. The root account is used for administering the system. Enter a password for the root user.The size "%s" is invalid.The software marked for installation has the following errors. This is likely caused by an error with your installation source. You can quit the installer, change your software source, or change your software selections.The space available to this mount point can be changed by modifying the volume below.The system needs better quality of random data, you can improve it by typing randomly on keyboard and moving your mouse. The installation will continue automatically regardless of random data quality when time runs out.The system needs more random data entropyThe system will reboot automatically when you exit from the shell. The upgrade kickstart command is no longer supported. Upgrade functionality is provided through fedup.The volume group name "%s" is already in use.There is a problem with your existing storage configuration: %(errortxt)s You must resolve this matter before the installation can proceed. There is a shell available for use which you can access by pressing ctrl-alt-f1 and then ctrl-b 2. Once you have resolved the issue you can retry the storage scan. If you do not fix it you will have to exit the installer.There is also free space available in pre-existing file systems. While it's risky and we recommend you back up your data first, you can recover that free disk space and make it available for this installation below.There is an entry in your /etc/fstab file that contains an invalid or incorrect file system type: There was a problem with your disk selection. Click here for details.There was an error running the kickstart script at line %(lineno)s. This is a fatal error and installation will be aborted. The details of this error are: %(details)sThis LVM Volume Group is missing %(missingPVs)d of %(totalPVs)d physical volumes. You can remove it or select a different device.This Software RAID array is missing %(missingMembers)d of %(totalMembers)d member partitions. You can remove it or select a different device.This device cannot be edited directly. You can remove it or select a different device.This device contains the installation source.This device is encrypted and cannot be read without a valid passphrase. You may unlock it below.This field is optional.This file system may not be resized.This hardware (or a combination thereof) is not supported by Red Hat. For more information on supported hardware, please refer to http://www.redhat.com/hardware.This is unstable, pre-release software.This media is good to install from.This media is not good to install from.This mount point is invalid. The %s directory must be on the / file system.This platform requires /boot on a dedicated partition or logical volume. If you do not want a /boot volume, you must place / on a dedicated non-LVM partition.Timezone is not set.Timezone settingsTip:To apply the configuration immediately turn the device off and on.To use DASD disks, you must provide the device number.To use iSCSI disks, you must provide the address of your iSCSI target and the iSCSI initiator name you've configured for your host.To use zFCP disks, you must provide the device number, WWPN, and LUN configured for the device.Total selected space to reclaim: %sTried to use undefined partition "%s" in Btrfs volume specification.Tried to use undefined partition "%s" in RAID specification.Tried to use undefined partition "%s" in Volume Group specificationTry FedoraTypeType here to search.UNFORMATTED DASDSURL for the repository, without protocol.URL has no host componentURL is emptyURL of proxy in the form of protocol://host:[port]USER SETTINGSUnable to find /bin/bash to execute! Not starting shell.Unacceptable label format for file system.UnavailableUnformatted DASDs DetectedUnknownUnmanagedUnsupported HardwareUnsupported Hardware DetectedUpdatesUseUse All SpaceUse Free SpaceUse Network TimeUse of this product is subject to the license agreement found at %sUse text modeUse the credentials from discoveryUser %s will be createdUser and Group IDsUser creationUser nameUser name: VLANVLAN %(interface_name)s (%(parent_device)s, ID %(vlanid)s) connectedVLAN IDVNCVNC PasswordVNC password must be six to eight characters long. Please enter a new one, or leave blank for no password.VPN TypeVendorVerifying media, please wait...VolumeVolume GroupVolume Group name %s is already in use. Not saving changes.Volume group "%s" defined without any physical volumes. Either specify physical volumes or use --useexisting.Volume group "%s" given in volgroup command does not exist.Volume group given physical extent size of "%(extentSize)s", but must be one of: %(validExtentSizes)s.WELCOMEWELCOME TO %(name)s %(version)s.WEPWPAWPA2WWIDWWPNWWPN:Waiting for %s threads to finishWarning checking storage configurationWarning checking storage configuration. Click for details.Warning checking storage configuration. Click for details or press Done again to continue.Warning: All storage changes made using the installer will be lost when you choose to format. Proceed to run dasdfmt? Warning: You won't be able to switch between keyboard layouts (from the default one) when you decrypt your disks after install.WarningsWe won't touch your disks until you click 'Begin Installation'.We'll need network access to fetch information about your location and to make software updates available for you.WeakWelcome to FedoraWhat language would you like to use during the installation process?When finished, please exit from the shell and your system will reboot.When you create mount points for your %(name)s %(version)s installation, you'll be able to view their details here.Which combination(s) would you prefer for switching between keyboard layouts?Which installation source would you like to use?Which keyboard layouts would you like to use on this system? You may move any layout to the top of the list to select it as the default.Will try to connect again in 15 seconds...Wired (%(interface_name)s) connectedWired (%(interface_name)s) connected Wired (%(interface_name)s) disconnected WirelessWireless connected to %(access_point)sWorkingWriting network configurationX was unable to start on your machine. Would you like to start VNC to connect to this computer from another computer and perform a graphical installation or continue with a text mode installation?You are currently running Fedora from live media. You can install Fedora now, or choose "Install to Hard Drive" in the Activities Overview at any later time.You can choose "Install to Hard Drive" in the Activities Overview at any later time.You can remove existing file systems you no longer need to free up space for this installation. Removing a file system will permanently delete all of the data it contains.You can remove or insert additional disks at this time and press 'Rescan Disks' below for the changes to take effect.You don't have any Linux partitions. Rebooting. You don't have any Linux partitions. %s You have chosen to encrypt some of your data. You will need to create a passphrase that you will use to access your data when you start your computer.You have chosen to skip boot loader installation. Your system may not be bootable.You have no working NTP server configuredYou have not created a bootable partition.You have not defined a root partition (/), which is required for installation of %s to continue.You have not specified a swap partition. %(requiredMem)s of memory is required to continue installation without a swap partition, but you only have %(installedMem)s.You have not specified a swap partition. Although not strictly required in all cases, it will significantly improve performance for most installations.You have provided a password containing non-ASCII characters. You may not be able to switch between keyboard layouts to login. You have provided a weak passphrase: %sYou have provided a weak password. Would you like to use it anyway?You have provided a weak password. Press Done again to use anyway.You have provided a weak password: %s Would you like to use it anyway?You have provided a weak password: %s. Press Done again to use anyway.You have provided an invalid user name: %s Tip: Keep your user name shorter than 32 characters and do not use spaces. You have specified that the group '%s' should be excluded from installation. This group does not exist. Would you like to ignore this group and continue with installation?You have specified that the group '%s' should be installed. This group does not exist. Would you like to ignore this group and continue with installation?You have specified that the package '%s' should be installed. This package does not exist. Would you like to ignore this package and continue with installation?You haven't created any mount points for your %(product)s %(version)s installation yet. You can:You may go back to the main menu to complete other installation options while formatting completes.You may go back to the main menu to complete other installation options while this scan completes.You may add a keyboard layout by selecting it below:You may input a comma-separated list of group names and group IDs here. Groups that do not already exist will be created; specify their GID in parentheses. You must create a new file system on the root device.You must enter your root password and confirm it by typing it a second time to continue.You must set a passwordYou need to configure the network to use a network installation source.You need to set up networking first if you want to use NTPYou selected disk %(selected)s, which contains devices that also use unselected disk %(unselected)s. You must select or de-select these disks as a set.You selected disk %(selected)s, which contains devices that also use unselected disks %(unselected)s. You must select or de-select these disks as a set.You'll be able to make space available during custom partitioning.You'll set a passphrase next.Your %(mount)s partition is less than %(size)s which is lower than recommended for a normal %(productName)s install.Your %(mount)s partition is too large for %(format)s formatting (allowable size is %(minSize)s to %(maxSize)s)Your %(mount)s partition is too small for %(format)s formatting (allowable size is %(minSize)s to %(maxSize)s)Your BIOS-based system needs a special partition to boot from a GPT disk label. To continue, please create a 1MiB 'biosboot' type partition.Your current %(product)s software selection requires %(total)s of available space, including %(software)s for software and %(swap)s for swap space.Your customizations will result in the following changes taking effect after you return to the main menu and begin installation:Your root partition is less than 250 megabytes which is usually too small to install %s.Your system had dirty file systems which you chose not to mount. From a shell, you can fsck and mount your partitions manually. Your system has been mounted under %(mountpoint)s. If you would like to make your system the root environment, run the command: chroot %(mountpoint)s Your system is mounted under the %s directory._Click here to create them automatically._Continue_Desired Capacity:_Done_Encrypt my data._Exit Installer_I will configure partitioning._Label:_Name:_New mount points will use the following partitioning scheme:_No_OK_Preserve current selections_Quit_Reset selections_Retry_Update Settings_Yesautopart fstype of %s is invalid.boot loader stage2 device %(stage2dev)s is on a multi-disk array, but boot loader stage1 device %(stage1dev)s is not part of this array. The stage1 boot loader will only be installed to a single drive.boot loader stage2 device %(stage2dev)s is on a multi-disk array, but boot loader stage1 device %(stage1dev)s is not. A drive failure in %(stage2dev)s could render the system unbootable.checkedcontainerdescriptiondisk freeeg: "20 GB", "500mb" (minus the quotation marks)empty passwordenglishNamefs freeiscsi --iface must be specified (binding used) either for all targets or for nonelocal ISO filelogvol --noformat must also use the --name= option.malformed URL, cannot parse it.minuteminutesnamenativeNamepart --noformat must also use the --onpart option.qraid --noformat must also use the --device option.selectedstorage configuration failed: %ssummarytesting status...unpluggedusevolgroup --noformat and volgroup --useexisting must also use the --name= option.wheel, my-team (1245), project-x (29935)Project-Id-Version: anaconda Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: anaconda-devel-list@redhat.com POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-29 08:08-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-24 04:16-0400 Last-Translator: Terry Chuang Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/anaconda/language/zh_TW/) Language: zh_TW MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.3 使用此產品受以下授權協議所控管:%s 安裝完成。請按下 return 退出 未知錯誤。正在終止。 警告!!!VNC 伺服器正以無密碼的方式執行! 假如您想要保護伺服器的安全,您可以 使用 vncpassword= 這個開機選項。 您選擇連至一個監聽中的 vncviewer。 您無須設置密碼。若您 設有一組密碼,這組密碼將會在連至 vncviewer 不成功 情況下被使用 您選擇利用一組密碼來執行 vnc。 請按 重新開機。 以指令列模式執行,不允許互動除錯。 實際錯誤訊息為: %s。 安裝程式現在將終止。 安裝程序已停止,因為在執行非互動式指令列模式時偵測到有未完成的輻輳作業。由於指令列模式中不能有任何問題,所以請編輯您的 kickstart 檔案並重試安裝。 實際的錯誤訊息為: %s。 安裝程式將終止。 請從以下做出選擇 [ '1' 輸入 %(spoke_title)s spoke | '%(quit)s' 離開| '%(continue)s' 繼續| '%(refresh)s' 刷新]: 請從上方做出您的決定 ['%(quit)s' 退出 | '%(begin)s' 開始安裝 | '%(refresh)s' 重新整理]: 請從上方做出您的決定 ['%(quit)s' 退出 | '%(continue)s' 繼續 | '%(refresh)s' 重新整理]: DNS:%s IPv4 位址:%(addr)s 網路遮罩: %(netmask)s 閘道器:%(gateway)s IPv6 位址: %(addr)s/%(prefix)d 正在啟動文字模式。 嘗試文字模式安裝程式經由執行: 「/usr/bin/liveinst -T」 於 root 身分登入的終端機。已選取 %(count)d 顆磁碟; %(capacity)s 容量; %(free)s 可用%(desc)s 不能為 %(type)s%(desc)s 的類型無法是 %(type)s。%(desc)s 大小必須介於 %(min)d %(max)d MB 之間%(desc)s 必須掛載在 %(mountpoints)s 之中的其中一個 上。%(desc)s 必須在磁碟的前 %(max_end)s %(desc)s 必須不大於 %(max)d MB,也就是小於或等於。%(desc)s 必須不小於 %(min)dMB.當 %(fsType)s 檔案系統用於 %(deviceType)s 上時,%(deviceName)s 可能沒有足夠的空間給 grub2 嵌入 core.img可用 %(freeSize)s 共 %(devSize)s%(fs)s 必須位於 %(type)s 的裝置上%(name)s 必須有下列任一磁碟標籤類型:%(types)s%(productName)s %(productVersion)s 安裝%(productName)s %(productVersion)s 安裝%(productName)s %(productVersion)s 安裝於主機 %(name)s安裝 %(product_name)s 需要 %(needed_ram)s MB 的記憶體,但是這臺機器上只有 %(total_ram)s MB。 %(sw_text)s 即使您用盡所選磁碟上的所有可用空間,您依然沒有足夠的空間可安裝 %(product)s。%d Mb/s%s (確認):%s 您所選取的磁碟擁有以下數量的可用空間:%s 無法加密%s 無法位於加密的區塊裝置上。%s 無法位在 iSCSI 磁碟上%s 可用%s 有誤。無法設定認證功能。遺失 %s。無法設置防火牆。%s 現在已成功安裝在您的系統上,並準備好供您使用! 現在就請重新啟動並開始使用吧!%s 現在已成功安裝於您的系統中,並且準備好供您使用!當您一切就緒後,就請重新啟動並開始使用吧!%s 已成功安裝,但還需要做一些設定。 請在完成後按下「完成設定」按鈕。%s 必須位於主要分割區上。%s 時區%s 以切換配置。%s:(%s 可用)/boot 檔案系統/boot/efi 必須位於類型為 %(oneFsType)s 或 %(anotherFsType)s 的裝置上0 GB0 MB:%(count)d 顆磁碟;%(size)s 容量;%(free)s 可用空間 (尚未分割處與檔案系統中之加總)%(count)s 顆磁碟;%(size)s 可取回的空間 (在檔案系統中)提示:您的使用者名稱必須少於 32 個字元,並且不含空格。警告: 一旦您按下「重新掃描磁碟」後,您透過安裝程式所對儲存裝置做出的任何更動皆會喪失。警告:一旦您選擇格式化後,將會失去安裝程式中所有進行過的儲存裝置變更。即使您用盡所選磁碟上的所有可用空間,依然沒有足夠的空間可以安裝 %(productName)s。您可以添加更多磁碟以取得更多空間,或是修改軟體選項以安裝容量較小版本的 %(productName)s,或者是退出安裝程式。您沒有足夠的空間可安裝 %s。您可以透過我們的引導式空間取回工具來縮小或移除既有分割區,又或者是您自行使用自訂磁碟分割介面來調整分割區以取回更多空間。:/範例:iqn.2012-09.com.example:diskarrays-sn-a8675309範例: squid.mysite.org:3128新增鍵盤配置規格加入新的掛載點加入 DASD 貯藏目標加入 iSCSI 貯藏目標加入 zFCP 貯藏目標進階用戶組態AM上午/下午下調上午/下午上調可用空間自動配置磁碟分割 (_u)。動作加入鍵盤配置加入 NTP 伺服器加入特殊化磁碟新增掛載點。加入新的軟體庫。新增及標記 NTP 伺服器的使用加入裝置所選環境的附加元件已將 %(type)s 新增至既有的容器 %(name)s 中。其它軟體庫將建立管理員 %s%d 秒後,不管收集亂度總量如何,都會繼續安裝。按下 Alt + Shift 以切換鍵盤配置。遭遇錯誤 - 找不到建立新檔案系統的有效裝置。為了找出主要原因,請檢查您的硬體。掛載 %s 來源裝置時遭遇錯誤。是否重試?嘗試掛載您系統的某些或所有部份時遭遇到錯誤。其中某些可能被掛載於 %s 下。 卸載光碟時發生錯誤。請確認您沒有從 tty2 命令列存取 %s,確認後請點選「確定」重試。重新調整 %s 裝置 大小時發生錯誤。安裝時遭遇不明的錯誤。 細節如下。套用安裝程式中的組態您確定要刪除 %s 上的所有資料,包括快照與子儲區或其中之一?您確定要刪除 %s 上的所有資料?您確定要退出 安裝程序?盡可能的大您的置換空間 (swap) 裝置沒有 UUID,它對於使用舊版 mkswap 建立的置換空間來說很常見。這些裝置會透過 /etc/fstab 內的裝置路徑做參照,但由於裝置路徑在許多情況下都可能會變動,因而不是理想作法。正試著連線到主機 %s 的 vnc 使用者端...試圖啟動 vncconfig認證需經過認證無線網路需要認證自動自動建立分割區失敗。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。已選擇自動磁碟分割自動分割選項可用的鍵盤配置可用的亂數亂度:%(av_entr)s,需要的亂數亂度:%(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%]可用亂度:%(av_entr)s, 需要亂度:%(req_entr)s [%(pct)d %%] ( 剩下 %(rem)d %(min)s)可用語言可用區域可用區域%s 地區中可用的時區IP 位址格式錯誤基礎環境基礎環境Beta 警告綁定網路綁定網路 %(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) 已連接開機橋接器已連接上 %(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) 橋接器 BtrfsBtrfs 分割區 "%(device)s" 的格式為 "%(format)s",但格式應為 "Btrfs"。Btrfs 分割區「%s」被定義數次。指定 --useexisting 的「%s」Btrfs 儲區不存在。Btrfs 儲區已定義但無任何成員裝置。請指定成員裝置,或使用 --useexisting。CCWCD/DVDCHAP 配對CHAP 成對和反向對組態配置 %(container_type)s配置容器配置掛載點建立使用者自訂設定纜線已拔除無法套用組態,裝置啟用失敗。無法安裝到無法分割的裝置「%s」。無法對既有的檔案系統設定標籤。無法對檔案系統設定標籤。容量更動只會套用至安裝的系統上。請使用桌面工具來配置安裝程序所使用的鍵盤。正在檢查映像檔校驗總和碼正在檢查軟體相依性...正在檢查儲存組態...選擇安裝來源類型。城市關閉最近的鏡像站CmdlineError:套件遺失:%s已完成!無法儲存組態:靜態組態中遺失閘道或網路遮罩配置 NTP配置裝置 %s正在設定附加元件正在配置裝置 %s。正在設定已安裝的系統確認密碼重新開機後自動連接已連線已連線!已連接:%(list_of_interface_names)s連線中正在連接...連線失敗繼續繼續此動作會重設您所有的磁碟分割選取項目,而回復成目前的磁碟狀態。建立新的 %(container_type)s ...點按「+」鈕方建立新的掛載點。建立或選取 %(container_type)s正在建立使用者目前配置:「%s」。加入其他配置後才能啟用切換功能。目前配置:「%s」。請點按以切換至下個配置。已選擇自訂磁碟分割已選擇自訂軟體資料日期與時間預設標題磁碟加密密語DISPLAY 變數尚未設定。即將啟動文字模式。散布版安裝DNS預設 HUB 標題預設路由預設輻輳標題刪除佈署完成:%s佈署開始:%s細節描述會在這裡出現。clearpart 裝置清單中給定的「%s」裝置不存在。裝置名稱裝置選擇裝置組態裝置描述裝置探查失敗。此裝置不支援 RAID 等級選取 %s。裝置重新設定失敗。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。裝置重新格式化請求失敗。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。移除裝置請求失敗。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。重新設置裝置大小失敗。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。裝置:裝置:裝置:%s已離線斷線中正在中斷連線...正在探查 DASD 裝置。這可能會花一些時間...正在探查 iSCSI 目標。這可能會花上一段時間...正在探查要連結的領域正在探查 zFCP 目標。這可能會花上一段時間...探查性登入遭拒。磁碟clearpart 指令中給定的「%s」磁碟不存在。ignoredisk 指令中給定的「%s」磁碟不存在。part 指令中給定的「%s」磁碟不存在。part 指令中的「%s」磁碟尚未磁碟分割。磁碟格式化完成。磁碟重新掃描完成。磁碟摘要會在這裡clearpart 指令中給定的「%s」磁碟標籤於此平臺上未受支援。我們不會更動到留在此處未選取的磁碟。您是否確定要退出?正在下載 %(url)s (%(pct)d%%)正在下載群組 metadata...正在下載套件 metadata...重複的軟體庫名稱。空白空白軟體庫名稱啟用加密加密已收集足夠的亂數亂度,請停止鍵入字符。請輸入「%s」的新值並按下 Enter 鍵 企業在鍵盤隨意輸入可增加亂數亂度。錯誤加入 FCoE SAN 時發生錯誤。檢查軟體相依性時發生錯誤檢查軟體依賴關係時發生錯誤。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。檢查軟體選項時發生錯誤檢查儲存組態時發生錯誤檢查儲存組態時發生錯誤。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。檢查儲存裝置組態時發生錯誤。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。,或再次按下「完成」繼續。下載套件的 metadata 時發生錯誤設置 ISO 檔時發生錯誤設置基礎軟體庫時發生錯誤設定軟體來源時發生錯誤Escrow 憑證 %s 需要網路。乙太網路範例:離開 Shell 命令列並繼續代理伺服器的 URL 中有多餘字元FCP 裝置 %(hba_id)s WWPN %(wwpn)s LUN %(lun)s新增裝置失敗。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。寫入儲存組態失敗……設置安裝來源失敗設置安裝來源失敗;請檢查軟體庫 URL 是否無誤設置安裝來源失敗;請檢查軟體庫 URL 與代理伺服器設定是否無誤無法為加密的區塊裝置解鎖。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。一般檔案系統韌體遺失固定正在格式化 /dev/%s。這可能會花上一段時間。正格式化 DASD剩餘空間可用空間可供使用的空間。無法使用但可從既有分割區取回的空間。全名完整名稱不包含冒號字元GRUB2 不支援安裝到分割區上。取消(_C)裝置號碼(_D):確定(_O)重試探查(_R)開始探查(_S)使用 _DCB使用自動 _VLAN加入 FCoE 磁碟(_A)取消(_C)_NIC:將目標綁定至網路介面(_B)。這會花上一點時間……取消(_C)探查用認證類型(_D):確定(_O)目標 IP 位址(_T):iSCSI 初始器名稱(_I):CHA_P 密碼:CHAP 使用者名稱(_U):重試探查(_R)CHAP 密碼(_P):CHAP 使用者名稱(_U):反轉 CHAP 密碼(_W):反轉 CHAP 使用者名稱(_N):開始探查(_S)節點登入身份核對類型(_N):CHAP 密碼(_P):CHAP 使用者名稱(_U):登入(_L)重試登入(_L)CHAP 密碼(_P):CHAP 使用者名稱(_U):反轉 CHAP 密碼(_W):反轉 CHAP 使用者名稱(_R):裝置號碼(_D):重試探查(_R)開始探查(_S)家目錄(_D):手動指定群組 ID(_G):手動指定使用者 ID(_U):將使用者加入下列群組中(_A):取消(_C)儲存變更(_S)已選擇 %d 個儲存裝置(_S)加入重新整理移除全部重設(_R)掛載點(_P):新增掛載點(_A)取消(_C)欲使用容量(_D):裝置類型(_T):檔案系統(_Y):RA_ID 等級:重新格式化(_O)加密(_E)修改(_M)...儲區群組(_V):取消(_C)選擇(_S)修改(_M)...也刪除 %s 根基中的所有其他檔案系統(_A)。取消(_C)刪除它(_D)大小方針(_Z):取消(_C)名稱(_N):儲存(_S) 與其他 %d 項密語(_P):解除鎖定(_U)取消(_C)以 dasdfmt 格式化(_F)確定(_O)24 時制(_H)上午/下午(_A)城市(_C):網路時間(_N)區域(_R):取消(_C)確定(_O)取消(_C)退出(_Q)已選擇 %d 個儲存裝置(_S)加入 EC_KD DASD...加入 FCo_E SAN...加入 _iSCSI 目標...重新整理清單(_L)搜尋(_S)加入 zFCP LUN(_A)...Multipath 裝置(_M)其他 SAN 裝置(_O)_zSeries 裝置篩選條件(_B):僅顯示裝置是使用(_D):僅顯示裝置是來自(_D):僅顯示裝置有包含(_D):篩選條件(_B):僅顯示裝置有包含(_D):僅顯示裝置是使用(_D):僅顯示裝置是來自(_D):搜尋結果(_u):搜尋條件(_B):_LUN:連接埠(_P):目標(_T):_WWID:篩選條件(_Y):_CCW:_LUN:_WWPN:將配置往下移(_D)將配置往上移(_U)加入鍵盤配置(_A)選項(_O)預覽配置(_P)移除鍵盤配置(_R)請在下方測試鍵盤配置組態(_T):加入(_A)取消(_C)取消(_C)確定(_O)否(_N)是(_Y)解除鎖定(_k)飛航模式(_A)主機名稱(_H):加入(_A)取消(_C)請選取您希望添加的裝置類型(_S)連線(_O)取消(_C)配置(_C)...HTT_P 代理伺服器H_TTPS 代理伺服器組態 URL(_C)_FTP 代理伺服器方法(_M)_Socks 主機金鑰(_K):密碼(_P):配置(_C)...設定(_o)...配置(_C)...網路名稱(_N)停用熱點(_S)...作為熱點使用(_U)...確認(_F):取消(_C)密語(_P):儲存密語(_S)確認(_C):_Root 密碼:完成設定(_F)退出(_Q)重新開機(_R)全部刪除(_A)全部保留(_A)取消(_C)刪除(_D)保留(_P)取回空間(_R)縮小(_S)取消(_C)確定(_O)重新掃描磁碟(_R)關閉(_C)不要安裝開機載入器(_D)移除(_R)設為開機裝置(_S)修改選取項目(_S)修改軟體來源(_M)退出(_Q)加入(_A)裝置(_E):不要安裝可用的最新軟體更新(_U)。僅安裝上列安裝來源內提供的預設版本。N_FS 掛載選項:密碼(_W):代理伺服器 URL(_X):重設(_T)這個 URL 指向一份鏡像清單(_M)。這個 URL 指向一份鏡像清單(_L)。使用者名稱(_S):自動偵測到的安裝媒體(_A):選擇 ISO(_C)ISO 檔案(_I):名稱(_N):網路上(_O):代理伺服器設定(_P)...移除(_R)驗證(_V)取消(_C)開啟(_O)完成(_D)密碼(_W)使用者名稱(_N):取消(_C)啟用 HTTP 代理(_E)確定(_O)代理主機(_P)使用認證(_U)日期時間(_T)安裝目的地(_D)安裝目的地(_I)安裝來源(_I)鍵盤配置(_K)語言支援(_L)網路與主機名稱(_N)_ROOT 密碼軟體選擇(_S)用戶建立(_U)加入磁碟(_A)...完整磁碟摘要與開機載入器(_F)...修改儲存配置(_M)退出(_Q)刪除與新增更多磁碟(_A)取回磁碟空間(_R)取消(_C)退出安裝程式(_Q)開始安裝(_B)退出(_Q)接受變更(_A)取消並返回自訂分割(_C)讓這位使用者成為管理員若要使用此帳號還需要密碼進階(_A)...確認密碼(_C)全名(_F)密碼(_P)使用者名稱(_U)我想要退出。(_e)我想要繼續。(_p)繼續(_C)退出(_Q)閘道正在產生 initramfs正在產生更新的儲存組態正在取得配置清單...%d 次嘗試之後就放棄連線的意圖! 放棄,(%d 分鐘) 的時間已用完。良好無法使用圖形模式安裝。即將啟動文字模式。群組成員群組名稱群組密碼硬體位址遇到硬體錯誤求助!在此,我們將描述目前選擇的軟體所需的空間為何。我們將在此描述您可使用的選項。主機名稱主機名稱不能是 None 或是空字串。無效的主機名稱:%s主機名稱長度必須少於或等於 255 個字元。主機名稱:%s 主機名稱僅能包含 'a-z'、'A-Z'、'0-9'、'-' 或 '.' 字元,兩個半形句點之間必須包含一些字元,並且開頭和結尾不能使用 '-' 。小時下調小時上調時我想要製作額外的可用空間 (_m)。IDIMEI安裝目的地安裝選項安裝來源安裝摘要IP 位址IPv4 位址IPv4 位址或供 DHCP 使用的 %s IPv4 閘道IPv4 網路遮罩IPv6 位址IPv6 位址或自動配置使用 %(auto)s、DHCP 使用 %(dhcp)s,關閉則使用 %(ignore)s IPv6 預設閘道辨識碼辨識碼:安裝將即時 CD 安裝至您的硬碟上安裝至硬碟安裝安裝目的地若要安裝,您需要對您的硬碟機作磁碟分割設定。請選取安裝目標其使用空間的所在處。安裝來源需先設置安裝來源。安裝來源尚未設定安裝程序已停止,因為您的開機載入器安裝時發生錯誤。實際的錯誤訊息為: %s。 安裝程式將終止。安裝正在安裝開機載入器正在安裝軟體互連介面無效的 URL無效的容器名稱在 kickstart 中指定了錯誤的環境無效的群組名稱:%s無效的主機名稱無效的分割區大小。請使用有效的整數。無效的代理伺服 URL無效的代理伺服協定:%s無效的軟體庫名稱無效的時區無效的使用者名稱無效的使用者名稱 %s。 正在連結領域:%s鍵盤配置語言支援鍵盤格式切換選項本地化設定LUKS 裝置 %s 沒有加密金鑰LUNLUN:LVMLVM 緊張供應標籤:標籤:%s尚未設定語言語言設定語言鍵盤配置選項尚未配置鍵盤格式切換。本機標準磁碟本地端媒體語言地區logvol 指令中給定的「%s」儲區群組不存在。邏輯儲區名稱「%(logvol)s」正被儲區群組「%(volgroup)s」使用。邏輯儲區大小「%(logvolSize)s」必須大於儲區群組範圍大小「%(extentSize)s」。手動處理分割媒體驗證分分鐘下調分鐘上調型號更多網路組態方塊在建立下列掛載點之後, 將有更多自訂選項可供使用。找到一個以上符合的開機裝置「%s」。掛載點(_P):掛載點網路與主機名稱網路組態NFS 掛載選項NFS 伺服器 %sNFS 伺服器空白fcoe 指令中給定的「%s」NIC 不存在。名稱軟體庫的名稱。名稱伺服器 (半形逗號分隔)需要空間網路網路組態方塊網路名稱網路組態iSCSI「%(iscsiTarget)s」目標需要的網路介面「%(nic)s」尚未上線。新的 %(name)s %(version)s 安裝新裝置新增 NTP 伺服器新的選擇器新值裝置根基資料夾中找不到 *.iso 檔無空間無憑據 (探索認證已停用)找不到指定的 BIOS 磁碟「%s」。尚未指定磁碟未偵測到磁碟。請關閉電腦,接上至少一顆硬碟,並重新啟動完成安裝。尚未選取磁碟尚未選取磁碟。尚未選取磁碟;請選擇至少一個磁碟以便安裝。無主機 URL沒有可用的安裝來源找不到可掛載的裝置沒有可用的網路裝置並未指定邏輯卷冊 "%s" 的大小。請使用 --useexisting、--size、或 --percent。不存在以「%s」為名稱的限縮集池。請在薄儲區之前指定限縮集池。不會建立使用者找不到有效的開機載入器目標裝置。請查看下方得知詳情。不存在以「%s」為名稱的儲區群組。請在邏輯儲區之前指定儲區群組。節點名稱節點登入失敗。無未連線記憶體不足所選磁碟上的可用空間不足。檔案系統中空間不足以提供目前你選擇的軟體使用。需要額外的 %s。無法調整大小注意:直到您點選「開始安裝」按鈕才會套用此畫面的設定。未選取任何項目提示:此軟體為預先釋出版,僅用於開發與測試目的。請勿使用此軟體作為實際工作或投產環境。 按下「我要繼續」時,表示您瞭解並接受此預先釋出版所帶來的風險,瞭解此軟體僅供開發與測試目的,並願意回報任何 bug 與錯誤以改善此軟體。 如果您不瞭解或不願承擔這些風險,請按下「我要退出」按鈕離開此程式,系統會重開機。選用的代理伺服器密碼。選用之代理伺服器的使用者名稱。或者先在下方選好既有的分割區,再分配新的掛載點給它。命令其它儲存選項PM預先發行/測試PV 分割區「%s」被定義數次。父層part 指令中給定的「%s」分割區不存在。分割區規劃選項分割硬碟含有非 ASCII 字元的密語並未指定 autopart 加密密語。密語:密語不相符。密碼密碼 (確認):密碼尚未設定。密碼已設定。密碼已設定。密碼:密碼不相符!需要有密碼或加密金鑰才能存取 該無線網路需要密碼或加密金鑰才能存取 「%(network_id)s」無線網路。路徑百分比的值必須介於 0 到 100。正在執行安裝後的設定工作實體儲區「%(device)s」格式為「%(format)s」,但應該為「lvmpv」格式。請在繼續之前完成所有輻輳項目在繼續下個步驟之前,請先完成有標記此圖示的項目。請為此 %(container_type)s 建立名稱,並從下方選取至少一個容器。請為此容器建立名稱,並在下方選取至少一顆磁碟。請輸入有效的掛載點。請輸入有效的名稱。請從上列做出您的選擇:請確定從上方清單做出選擇。 做出選擇後,請按下「c」。請手動連接您的 vnc 使用者端至 %s 以開始安裝。請手動連接您的 vnc 客戶端端至 :%s 開始安裝。請切換至 shell (Ctrl-B 2) 並執行「ip addr」來查詢 。請按下 取得 shell。請提供 VNC 密碼(長度必須介於六到八個字元)。 您需要輸入密碼兩次。保留空白則為不設密碼請回應 '%(yes)s' 或 '%(no)s':請選擇要安裝的支援語言。 [%(back)s 回到語言清單、%(continue)s 繼續、%(quit)s 離開]: 請選擇新的 root 密碼。您需要輸入密碼兩次。請選取連接至 FCoE 轉接器的網路介面。請選擇時區。 請使用數字或直接輸入名稱 [%(back)s 區域清單,%(quit)s 退出]: 請 ssh install@%s 以開始安裝。請 ssh install@ 以繼續安裝。請使用 live 桌面環境中的工具來自訂網路組態。您可以在此設定主機名稱。請稍候... 軟體 metadata 尚在載入中。連接埠連接埠 / 目標 / LUN #入口正在準備佈署 %s正準備安裝正從安裝來源準備處理事項保留請按下 Enter 繼續。請按下 enter 退出。按下方的「確定」會帶您前往磁碟選取畫面,您可以在那裡重新選取所要使用的磁碟。私有金鑰密碼:正在探測儲存裝置...處理中...進度軟體庫 URL 的協定。URL 中的協定與選取的協定不符供應商代理伺服的身份核對資料有重複問題退出RAIDRAID 等級:raid 指令中給定的 RAID 裝置「%s」不存在。RAID 裝置「%(device)s」格式為「%(format)s」,但應該為「mdmember」格式。RAID 分割區「%s」被定義數次。包含「%(desc)s」的磁碟陣列設定必須擁有下列任一裝置類型: %(types)s包含「%(desc)s」的 RAID 設定必須擁有下列 metadata 版本之一:%(metadata_versions)s。包含「%(desc)s」的磁碟陣列設定必須擁有下列任一磁碟陣列等級:%(raid_level)s指定 --useexisting 的 RAID 儲區「%s」不存在。RAID0 (效能)RAID1 (冗餘)RAID10 (效能,冗餘)RAID4 (錯誤檢驗)RAID5 (分散式錯誤檢驗)RAID6 (冗餘式錯誤檢驗)取回磁碟空間重新掃描磁碟ROOT 密碼隨機資料品質:唯讀的掛載可取回的空間區域重新載入磁碟的儲存裝置組態。需要遠端目錄移除選取的掛載點。移除所選取的軟體庫。取代既有的 Linux 系統軟體庫 URL軟體庫名稱與內部使用的軟體庫名稱相衝突。不存在請求的開機裝置「%s」,或是無法用。救援模式救援掛載正在儲存硬體時間...還原回之前的軟體庫清單。Root 選擇Root 帳號已停用root 帳號已停用。Root 密碼尚未設定 root 密碼Root 密碼已設定當您完成後,請執行 %s 以卸載系統。當您完成後,請執行 %s 以卸載系統。 正在執行安裝後的指令稿正在執行安裝前的指令稿選取的磁碟軟體軟體選擇輻輳名稱變更的摘要系統正在儲存儲藏裝置組態...正在掃描磁碟。這可能會花上一段時間...安全性安全金鑰請選取分割區規劃組態。選取要安裝的其他語言支援:全選選取個 ISO 檔作為安裝來源選取包含該 ISO 檔的裝置選取此裝置可駐在的一顆或多顆磁碟。請選取您想要安裝的目標裝置。直到您按下主選單的「開始安裝」按鈕為止,我們都不會碰觸它們。選取的裝置選取的鍵盤配置所選環境錯誤設定日期與時刻設定主機名稱正在設置安裝來源...正在設置安裝環境將預設的檔案系統類型設為 %s 失敗。Shell 命令列縮小單一 (無冗餘,不切分)跳過 shell從屬軟體選擇來源已變更 - 請驗證特殊磁碟與網路磁碟指定的名稱 %s 正被使用中。指定軟體庫選項速度標準分割區啟動 VNC啟動 Shell 命令列開始安裝到硬碟VNC 啟動中...正在啟動自動化安裝正開始套件安裝程序開始從 %(source)s pull 更新 %(branchName)s狀態不明狀態不明 (遺失)儲存裝置選項因為無法復原的錯誤,儲存組態已重設。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。強固子網路遮罩所有空間bc否qr是bcqbq目標目標 WWID裝置「%(device)s」的目標大小「%(size)s」無效。團隊網路團隊%(interface_name)s (%(list_of_slaves)s) 已連線無法使用測試用配置組態。文字模式僅提供有限的安裝選項組合。它無法讓您自訂磁碟分割以掌控整個磁碟配置。您是否想改用 VNC 模式?該掛載點現正使用中。 是否嘗試其它掛載點?該掛載點現正使用中。是否嘗試其它掛載點?掛載點無效。嘗試其它掛載點?不支援 %s 檔案系統%(product_name)s 圖形化安裝程式需要 %(needed_ram)s MB 的記憶體,但您僅有 %(total_ram)s MB 。目刖不支援 %s kickstart 指令。啟動作業系統所需的檔案,儲存於 您電腦上的「boot」區域中。您所有的個人資料皆儲存在 您電腦上的「home」區域中。核心系統檔案與應用程式儲存在 您電腦上的「root」區域中。當記憶體不足時,作業系統會使用 您電腦上的「swap」區域。需要 BIOS boot 分割區,好從 BIOS 硬體上的 GPT 分割區 啟動開機程序。ISO 映像檔 %s 大小不是 2048 位元組的倍數。這可能代表檔案在傳輸到此電腦的過程中損壞。 建議您離開並中止安裝,但如果您認為判斷有誤的話也可以選擇繼續。您是否想要繼續使用此映像檔呢?在一些 PPC 平臺上,需要 PReP 開機分割區作為 開機載入器的部分組態。您所選取的 RAID 等級 (%(level)s) 所需之磁碟數量 (%(min)d) 多於您目前選取的數量 (%(count)d)。RAID 儲區名稱「%s」正被使用中。VNC 伺服器現在正在執行。容器已加密。探查 DASD 裝置時發生下列錯誤。請再次檢查您的組態資訊,然後再試一次。探查 iSCSI 目標時發生下列錯誤。請再次檢查您的授權資訊,並重試。探查 zFCP 目標時發生下列錯誤。請再次檢查您的授權資訊,並重試。登入所選的 iSCSI 節點時發生下列錯誤。請重複檢查您的授權資訊是否正確,並重試。試圖加入 FCoE SAN 時發生下列錯誤。請檢查您的設定組態,並重試。安裝開機載入器時遭遇下列錯誤。系統將無法開機。您是否要忽略這個問題,並繼續安裝?安裝時發生下列錯誤。這是嚴重錯誤,故將終止安裝。下列為下載 escrow 憑證時所遇到的錯誤: %s在設定分割區時遭遇下列錯誤: %(errortxt)s 現在將終止安裝。檢查您的儲存組態時遭遇以下錯誤。您可以修改您的儲存配置,或者退出安裝程式。在你的 Linux 系統上有下列的檔案系統沒有完整的卸載。您仍要掛載它們嗎? %s在系統上找到以下安裝。 下列必要的輻驟項目尚未完成:發現下列節點使用 iSCSI 初始化用戶(initiator) %(initiatorName)s,目標 IP 位址為 %(targetAddress)s。請選取您想要登入的節點:下列標記要安裝的軟體有錯誤。這可能是由於您的安裝來源 有錯誤而導致。已偵測到您的系統中有下列未格式化或 LDL DASD。您可以選擇現在將它以 dasdfmt 格式化,或是取消留著不格式化。未格式化的 DASD 無法在安裝過程中使用。已偵測到您的系統中有下列未格式化或 LDL DASD。您可以選擇現在將它以 dasdfmt 格式化,或是取消留著不格式化。未格式化的 DASD 無法在安裝過程中使用。 檢查您的儲存組態時遭遇以下錯誤。這些雖不是嚴重錯誤,但您可能希望修改儲存組態。需要「%s」群組才能進行安裝。這個群組並不存在。這是嚴重錯誤,將中止安裝。安裝過程無法繼續,系統將重新啟動安裝程序已停止,因為您的硬體看來有問題。實際的錯誤訊息為: %s。 安裝程式將終止。安裝程式嘗試掛載安裝映像檔,但在硬碟上卻找不到映像檔。 是否要再試一次?最大大小「%s」無效。「%s」掛載點不存在。必須以 / 起頭。此掛載點 %s 必須位於 linux 檔案系統上。需要「%s」軟體包才能進行安裝。這個軟體包並不存在。這是嚴重錯誤,將中止安裝。密碼長度不得多於八個字元。密碼空白。已設定密碼。密碼長度不得少於六個字元。密碼已由 kickstart 設定。您提供的密碼包含非 ASCII 字元。登入時您可能無法切換鍵盤配置。請按下「完成」繼續。您提供的密碼相當脆弱。您將需要按下「完成」兩次以確認使用。您提供的密碼相當脆弱:%s。您將需要按下「完成」兩次以確認使用。密碼不相符。您所輸入的密碼與前次的輸入不同。請再試一次。救援環境現在將會嘗試找尋您的 Linux 並將它掛載於此目錄下:%s。在這之後,您便可視您系統需求變更。若您希望繼續進行此步驟,請選擇「1」。 您亦可透過選擇「2」,來將您的檔案系統掛載為唯讀。 若基於某些原因造成此程序失敗,您可選擇「3」以跳過此步驟,而您將會被直接帶入指令 shell 上。 root 是用來管理系統的帳號。請為 root 使用者訂立密碼。大小「%s」無效。下列標記要安裝的軟體含有下列錯誤。這很可能是由於您的安裝來源有錯誤而引發。您可以退出安裝程式、更換安裝來源,或者變更您的軟體選取項目。此掛載點所能使用的空間可透過下方儲區之修改來調整。系統需要更好的隨機資料品質,您可以在鍵盤上隨意輸入與隨意移動滑鼠來改善隨機品質。當時間用盡時,不管取得的隨機資料如何,將繼續安裝。系統需要更多的資料加密亂數亂度系統在您離開 shell 後將自動重新開機。 不再支援 kickstart 升級指令。升級功能目前由 fedup 提供。儲區群組名稱「%s」正被使用中。現有儲存配置有問題:%(errortxt)s 在安裝過程進行之前,您必須解決這個問題。您可以透過按下 ctrl-alt-f1 然後 ctrl-b 2,來使用 shell 變數。 解決這問題後,便可以重新掃描儲存裝置。如果這問題無法解決,便會退出安裝程式。先前既有的檔案系統也有可用的空間。因為有潛在風險,我們建議您先將資料備份,然後,您可以恢復這些可用的磁碟空間,並在之後安裝時使用。在您的 /etc/fstab 檔案中包含無效或不正確的檔案系統類型: 選擇磁碟出了問題。請按此處取得更多資訊。執行 kickstart 指令稿第 %(lineno)s 列時發生錯誤。這是嚴重錯誤,將終止安裝。此錯誤的詳細資訊為: %(details)s此 LVM 儲區群組遺失 %(missingPVs)d (總共 %(totalPVs)d ) 個實體儲區。您可以移除這裝置,或選擇另一個裝置。此軟體 RAID 陣列遺失 %(missingMembers)d (總共 %(totalMembers)d) 個成員分割區。您可以移除這裝置,或選擇另一個裝置。此裝置無法直接編輯。您可以移除這裝置,或選擇另一個裝置。這個裝置內含安裝來源。此裝置已加密,若無有效密語則無法讀取。您或許可在下方解鎖。此欄位為選填。此檔案系統不可重設大小。Red Hat 不支援此硬體 (或其硬體組合)。若要瞭解更多有關硬體支援的資訊,請參考 http://www.redhat.com/hardware。這是個尚未穩定、預先釋出的軟體。此媒體可用來安裝。此媒體不適合用來安裝。此掛載點無效。%s 目錄必須位於 / 檔案系統上。此平臺需要 /boot 有它自己獨立的分割區或邏輯儲區。若您不想要有 /boot 儲區,您必須把 / 放到獨立的非 LVM 分割區上。尚未設定時區。時區設定提示:若要立即套用組態,請將裝置先關閉後再開啟。若要使用 DASD 磁碟,您必須提供該裝置號碼。若要使用 iSCSI 磁碟,您必須提供您的 iSCSI 目標位址,以及您在該主機上所配置之 iSCSI 初始器名稱。要使用 zFCP 磁碟,您必須提供配置給該裝置的裝置號碼、WWPN、以及 LUN。總計要取回的所選空間:%s嘗試在 Btrfs 儲區規格中使用未定義的分割區「%s」。嘗試在儲區群組規格中使用未定義的分割區「%s」。嘗試在儲區群組規格中使用未定義的分割區「%s」試用 Fedora類型在此處輸入可搜尋。未格式化的 DASD軟體庫的 URL,描述不含協定。URL 不含主機部份URL 空白代理伺服器的 URL,描述格式為:協定://主機:[連接埠]用戶設定找不到可執行的 /bin/sh!Shell 沒有啟動。這不是檔案系統可接受的標籤格式。無法使用偵測到未格式化的 DASD未知未管理未支援的硬體偵測到未支援的裝置更新使用使用所有空間使用可用的空間使用網路時間使用此產品受以下授權協議所控管:%s使用文字模式安裝使用探查到的憑證將建立使用者 %s使用者與群組 ID使用者創建使用者名稱使用者名稱:VLAN已連接上 VLAN %(interface_name)s (%(parent_device)s, ID %(vlanid)s)VLAN IDVNCVNC 密碼VNC 密碼必須 6 到 8 個字元長。 請輸入新的密碼,或留空不設密碼。VPN 類型廠商正在驗證媒體,請稍等...儲區儲區群組儲區群組名稱 %s 正被使用中。不會儲存做的更動。已定義儲區群組「%s」但無任何實體儲區。請指定實體儲區,或使用 --useexisting。volgroup 指令中給定的「%s」儲區群組不存在。給定的儲區群組實體範圍大小為「%(extentSize)s」,但必須為下列之一: %(validExtentSizes)s。歡迎歡迎使用 %(name)s %(version)s。WEPWPAWPA2WWIDWWPNWWPN:正在等候 %s 執行緒完成檢查儲存組態時得到警告檢查儲存組態時得到警告。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。檢查儲存裝置組態時得到警告。請點按瞭解詳細資訊。,或是再次按下「完成」繼續。警告:一旦您選擇格式化,所有安裝程式中進行過的儲存裝置變更皆會喪失。 是否繼續執行 dasdfmt? 警告:在安裝之後正當解密磁碟之時,您將無法在不同鍵盤配置之間切換 (從預設鍵盤配置切換成其他配置)。警告在您按下「開始安裝」之前,我們不會對您的磁碟進行任何動作。我們需要存取網路以取得有關於您位置的相關資訊, 並且提供您可用的軟體更新。脆弱歡迎使用 Fedora您想使用哪種語言安裝?完成後請退出 shell,您的系統將會重新啟動。當您為您的 %(name)s %(version)s 安裝建立掛載點時,您可在此處檢視其詳細資料。您偏好採用何種組合鍵來切換鍵盤配置?您想使用哪個安裝來源?您想要讓此系統採用何種鍵盤配置?您可以將鍵盤配置移至清單的頂端來將它設為預設值。將在 15 秒後試著再連線一次...有線網路 (%(interface_name)s) 已連接有線網路 (%(interface_name)s) 已連接 有線網路 (%(interface_name)s) 已中斷連接 無線網路無線網路已連接 %(access_point)s運作中正在寫入網路組態X 無法在您的機器上執行。您是否要啟動 VNC 使其他電腦可以連入,接著執行圖形模式安裝或使用文字模式繼續安裝?您目前正從 live 媒體執行 Fedora。 您現在可以安裝 Fedora,或稍後的任何時刻從活動「總覽」中,選擇「安裝至硬碟」。您可在稍後的任何時候從活動「概覽」 中選擇「安裝至硬碟」。您可以移除不再需要的檔案系統,以清出空間供安裝使用。移除檔案系統將永遠刪除裡面的資料。您可以在此刻移除或插入其他磁碟,並按下方的「重新掃描磁碟」按鈕來讓變動生效。您沒有任何 Linux 分割區。系統即將重新啟動。 您沒有任何 Linux 分割區。%s 您已選擇加密您的部份資料。您需要創建一道密語,當您啟動電腦時需要這道密語才能存取您的資料。您已選擇略過安裝開機載入器。您的系統可能無法開機。您尚未配置可運作的 NTP 伺服器您還未建立一個可用來開機的分割區。您還沒指定根基分割區 (/),為了讓 %s 安裝程式繼續,您必須先指定。您尚未指定置換空間 (swap) 分割區。您需要 %(requiredMem)s MB 的記憶體,才能在沒有 swap 分割區的情況下繼續安裝,但是您僅有 %(installedMem)s MB。您尚未指定置換空間 (swap) 分割區。雖然並沒有強制規定一定要有,但有的話對安裝效率會有很大的改善。您提供的密碼包含非 ASCII 字元。 您在登入時可能無法切換鍵盤配置。 您提供的密語相當脆弱:%s您提供的密碼相當脆弱。 您是否無論如何都想使用?您提供的密碼相當脆弱。如果無論如何都要使用,請再次按下「完成」鈕。您提供的密碼相當脆弱:%s 您是否無論如何都想使用?您提供的密碼相當脆弱:%s。如果無論如何都要使用,請再次按下「完成」鈕。您提供的使用者名稱無效:%s 提示:您的使用者名稱必須短於 32 個字元,並且不含空格。 您已指定「%s」群組應從安裝中排除,但該群組不存在。您是否想要忽略此群組,並繼續安裝?您已指定應安裝「%s」群組,但該群組並不存在。您是否要忽略此群組,並繼續安裝?您已指定安裝「%s」軟體包,但該軟體包並不存在。您是否要忽略此軟體包,並繼續安裝?您尚未為您的 %(product)s %(version)s 安裝建立任何掛載點。您可以:當格式化完成後,您可以返回主選單 完成其它安裝選項。您可以趁掃描處理之時返回主選單 先完成其他安裝選項。您可從下方選擇欲新增的鍵盤格式:您需要在此處輸入一份以半形逗號分隔的群組名稱與群組 GID 清單。若所指明的群組尚未存在,則會自動建立;至於群組 GID 請以半形括號括住。您必須在根目錄裝置上建立新的檔案系統。您必須輸入 root 密碼,並再次輸入密碼以進行確認。您必須設定密碼您必需配置網路以使用網路上的安裝來源。若您希望使用 NTP 您需要先設定網路您選擇了磁碟 %(selected)s,其中包含了也使用未選擇磁碟 %(unselected)s 的裝置。您必須選擇或取消選擇這些磁碟作為一個組。您在進行自訂磁碟分割時將可騰出空間。您稍後需要設定密語。您的 %(mount)s 分割區小於 %(size)s,這低於正常 %(productName)s 安裝的建議值。您的 %(mount)s 分割區太大以致於無法執行 %(format)s 格式化 (允許的大小介於 %(minSize)s MB 至 %(maxSize)s MB)您的 %(mount)s 分割區太小以致於無法執行 %(format)s 格式化 (允許的大小介於 %(minSize)s MB 至 %(maxSize)s MB)您的系統基於 BIOS,需要有特殊的分割區才能以 GPT 磁碟標籤模式開機。若要繼續,請建立一個 1MB 的「biosboot」類型分割區。您目前的 %(product)s 軟體選擇 需要 %(total)s 的可用空間,包括 %(software)s 供軟體使用,%(swap)s 供置換空間使用。在您返回主選單並選擇安裝後,您的自訂設定會對您所選的磁碟產生下列更動:您的根基分割區 (/) 小於 250 MB,空間太小不足以安裝 %s。系統上有個標示為「dirty」的檔案系統,您選擇不掛載此檔案系統。您可以從 shell 介面執行 fsck,並手動掛載分割區。 您的系統已經掛載於 %(mountpoint)s 之下。 若您想要將您的系統作為 root 環境,請執行指令: chroot %(mountpoint)s 您的系統被掛載在 %s 目錄下。請點按這裡讓系統自動建立(_C)。繼續(_C)需要容量(_D):完成(_D)為我的資料加密 (_E)。離開安裝程式(_E)讓我自行配置磁碟分割 (_I)。標籤(_L):名稱(_N):新的掛載點將使用以下磁碟分割格式:否(_N)確定(_O)保留目前的選取項目(_P)退出(_Q)重設選取項目(_R)重試(_R)更新設定值(_U)是(_Y)%s autopart fstype 無效。開機載入器 stage 2 裝置 %(stage2dev)s 位於多磁碟陣列上,但開機載入器的 stage1 裝置 %(stage1dev)s 並非此陣列的一部分。stage1 開機載入器僅會安裝到單一裝置上。開機載入器 stage 2 裝置 %(stage2dev)s 位於多磁碟陣列上,但開機載入器的 stage1 裝置 %(stage1dev)s 則否。%(stage2dev)s 中若有裝置損壞可能造成系統無法開機。已檢選容器描述磁碟可用例如:「20GB」、「500MB」(不包含引號)空白密碼englishNamefs 可用必須為所有目標,或是無目標指定 (使用綁定) iscsi --iface本地端 ISO 檔logvol --noformat 也須加入 --name= 選項。格式不良的 URL,無法解析。分鐘名稱nativeNamepart --noformat 必須加上 --onpart 選項。qraid --noformat 必須加上 --device 選項。已選取儲存裝置設定失敗:%s摘要測試狀態...已拔除使用volgroup --noformat 與 volgroup --useexisting 也須加入 --name= 選項。wheel, my-team (1245), project-x (29935)