Motif Guide - A graphical approach to UI design. "Motif Guide" is a programmers tool to build Motif compliant user interfaces by graphically designing the user interface within the tool and then generating the corresponding Motif "C" code to be linked with the rest of the application. Essentially "Motif Guide" lets the user (programmer) design a user interface through an easy to use point and click GUI that will do a certain amount of error checking so that invalid combinations of Motif "Widgets" are not allowed. This will prevent the programmer from making costly mistakes will would otherwise require large amounts of debugging time. User Interfaces generated with this application are essentially bug free, allowing the programmer to concentrate his efforts on the actual application code. (...well... that's the idea anyway...) "Motif Guide" supports all Motif 1.2.3 widgets and (at the moment) most of their resources. I plan to add the Motif 2.0 widgets at some time in the future. One of the most daunting tasks of a Motif programmer is keeping track of the attachments between widgets ( the relationship of one widget to its neighbor(s) and its parent). "Motif Guide" resolves this issue by supplying a "Constraint(Layout) Editor" which allows the programmer to graphically view and modify those attachments. Resources can be modified through the use of a "Resource Editor" which seperates each widgets resources based on their wether they are core resources or widget (and inherited) resources. When a resource is selected the corresponding help item, and a list a valid resource values. I haven't had time to play with Gnu's configure utility so in order to compile you need to edit the Makefile (only one) to reflect your systems library and include file locations. (should be straight forward) PLEASE DON'T ASK ME ABOUT OTHER COMPILERS! I AM AS CLUELESS AS YOU ! (Actually, only egcs 1.1.2 is known to work... ) . _ . _____________ |\_|/__/| / \ / / \/ \ \ / Happy! Happy! \ /__|O||O|__ \ \ Joy! Joy! / |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | \ ___________/ | | (____) | || |/ \/\___/\__/ // _/ (_/ || | ||\ \ //_/ \______// __|| __|| (____(____) A lot of work still needs to be done for this to become a useful tool. Widgets supported in this release (0.7.6): Widget Name Resources Code Gen. Interface Gen. C = Core C = Constraints C = Constraints W = Widget R = Resources R = Resources H = Help W = Widget W = Widget T = Transl. T = Transl. E = Events E = Events A = Actions A = Actions applicationshell C/W -/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- toplevelshell C -/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- arrowbutton C/W C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- arrowbuttongadget C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- bulletinboard C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- cascadebutton C/W/H C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- cascadebuttongadget C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- command C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- dialogshell C -/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- drawingarea C -/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- drawnbutton C/W/H -/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- errordialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- fileselectionbox C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- form C/W/H C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- formdialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- frame C/W/H C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- informationdialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- label C/W/H C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- labelgadget C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- list C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- mainwindow C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- menushell C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- menubar C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- messagebox C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- optionmenu C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- panedwindow C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- popupmenu C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- promptdialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- pulldownmenu C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- pushbutton C/W/H C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- pushbuttongadget C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- questiondialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- radiobox C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- rowcolumn C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- scale C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- scrollbar C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- scrolledlist C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- scrolledtext C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- scrolledwindow C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- selectionbox C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- selectiondialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- separator C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- separatorgadget C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- templatedialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- text C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- textfield C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- togglebutton C C/-/W/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- togglebuttongadget C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- warningdialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- workingdialog C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- Custom widgets: tab C -/-/-/-/-/- -/-/-/-/-/- -------- Release Notes ---------------------------------- Release 0.7.1 Currently the following is working (mostly): Saving an interface * Saving all interfaces * Adding a saved interface to the current display * Loading an interface file * Displaying the widget tree Displaying different interfaces Displaying the widget and core resources for most widget Generating the interfaces HTML help system ** What doesn't work yet: Resource Editor * Constraint Editor *** Callback Editor Disabling certain widgets when they are invalid selections Code generation *** No configure script yet * Resource modification doesn't work yet ** Based on free XmHTML widget. You will need the XmHTML library to compile Motif GUIDE. *** I had this working in a previous release and will be putting it back in soon. Release 0.7.2 Added core resources display and widget resource display for some widgets. Release 0.7.3 Added more widget resources, and help on each resource. Started with the ConstraintEditor, possible to display location of widgets in form. No manipulation of attachments yet. Release 0.7.4 Added several bug fixes, but still no support for egcs. Release 0.7.5 Added support for egcs 1.1.2. This will be the required compiler from now on. Added more code generation for solaris makefile, linux makefile support in next release. Makefile support is hardcoced for the moment, need to change this to be configurable, but for the moment this will do (has to...). Release 0.7.6 To compile with linux you need to change Guide::codeMakefile(..), just comment out "codeSolarisMakefile" and uncomment "codeLinuxMakefile". Added more support for widget resources. Saving the interface does not work properly yet. (hopefully soon) Release 0.7.7 (not yet released..) More widget resource support. Private colormap support. Release 0.8.1 (not yet released..) Saving the interface works. Release 0.8.2 (not yet released..) Cut and paste support added. Release 0.9.1 (not yet released..) Callback editor. Release 0.9.9 (not yet released..) Event Editor, Tranlations and Actions. Release 1.0.0 (not yet released..) Stable release.