/* $Id: CHANGES,v 1.3 1994/12/03 22:55:28 cwikla Exp $ */ 1.1: Fri Jan 28 14:02:22 CST 1994 JLC Added XmNdialogType resource so it will be almost drop in replacement for xmMessageBoxWidget. Started to add XPM support for icons. Works, but there is not standard place for xpm's (that I know of). Plus I should clean up where it actually looks for them. Because of this, I don't install any of the icons, but it will look in /usr/lib/X11/bitmaps and /usr/lib/X11/xpm. Finally I'm still looking for (or hoping to make) some good icons for the defaults. Right now they are just the generic XPM plaid.xpm icon. Fixed SmartMBT.c so that n is initialized when used. 1.2: fixed SmartMB.c checking pixmaps against null to pixmaps checked against XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP Tue May 24 16:19:44 CDT 1994 1.2.1 fixed default bitmaps for XmDIALOG_QUESTION and XmDIALOG_WORKING (fix provided by Jan Anderson, janne@torpa.se) Turned into "SmartMBP.h". Wed Sep 28 17:14:36 CDT 1994 Added XmNdialogPositioning resource to handle where dialog pops up at. XmDIALOG_POSITIONING_LEAVE_ALONE: let the window manager do whatever XmDIALOG_POSITIONING_INITIAL_CENTER: first time it pops up in the center of the screen, afterwards it pops up wherever it was left at XmDIALOG_POSITIONING_ALWAYS_CENTER: always pops up in the center of the screen XmDIALOG_POSITIONING_DEFAULT_AT_POINTER: positions the dialog up so that the default button is centered on the pointer XmDIALOG_POSITIONING_CENTER_AT_POINTER: positions the dialog up so that the dialog is centered on the pointer Sat Dec 3 16:55:09 CST 1994 Added dialogPositioning check in setValues