# 1.2.6 # ############################################################################## 2008-05-30 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-prepare-xfer-dialog.cc: Fixed problem with full file path handling while copying/moving to mounted devices 2008-05-28 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-con.cc: Added missing directory separator in remote sever dlg 2008-05-21 Piotr Eljasiak * src/libgviewer/text-render.cc: Fixed bug #496150 (scrolling with mouse wheel) 2008-05-12 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-search-dialog.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: i18n 2008-05-09 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-file-popmenu.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-list-popmenu.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Added "Open folder in Nautilus" action to RMB and user actions. 2008-05-05 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-delete-dialog.cc Center delete progress window * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: Added "mark.invert" to user actions 2008-05-04 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-xfer.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-xfer-progress-win.cc: Center transfer progress window 2008-05-03 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-file-selector.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Do not pass unused pointer to file_selector in handle_key_event() 2008-05-02 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-main-win.cc: Do not pass unused pointer to main_win 2008-04-30 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-key-shortcuts-dialog.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-key-shortcuts-dialog.h: gnome_cmd_key_shortcuts_dialog_new() returns response==GTK_RESPONSE_OK now 2008-04-29 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc: Fixed problem #499761 (search window cleared when column sorted) * src/dirlist.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-con-ftp.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-con.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-delete-dialog.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-file-props-dialog.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-file-selector.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-search-dialog.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-xfer.cc: Replacing obsoleted gtk_timeout_add() with g_timeout_add() 2008-04-26 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-data.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-file-list.h: Added gnome_cmd_file_list_get_column_default_width() function 2008-04-25 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-main-menu.cc: Added icon to 'Help|Keyboard Shortcuts' menu entry 2008-04-23 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc: Fixed problem #499764 (multiple selection problem) 2008-04-22 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-key-shortcuts-dialog.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: Write modified shortcuts to config file * src/eggcellrendererkeys.cc: * src/eggcellrendererkeys.h: * src/gnome-cmd-key-shortcuts-dialog.cc: Properly handle CAPSLOCK and Super keys in shortcuts dialog * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: Replaced previous default binding (CTRL+~) for view.home with SHIFT+CTRL+~ (asciitilde), as for the previous one didn't work at all. 2008-04-19 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-data.cc: Added support for GDK_grave key * src/gnome-cmd-main-win.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: Define CTRL+Q binding as user definable (file.exit) 2008-04-15 Piotr Eljasiak * src/eggcellrendererkeys.cc: * src/eggcellrendererkeys.h: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: Do not use gtk_accelerator_get_label() for representing accelerators 2008-04-08 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: Added new key binding: SUPER+F for file search 2008-04-07 Piotr Eljasiak * configure.in: * src/eggcellrendererkeys.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-data.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Support for , and modifiers (since GTK+ 2.10) 2008-04-02 Piotr Eljasiak * src/eggaccelerators.cc: * src/eggcellrendererkeys.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-key-shortcuts-dialog.cc: Use libegg cell renderer and accelerators 2008-03-31 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Added gnome_cmd_user_actions_create_model() function * src/eggaccelerators.cc: * src/eggaccelerators.h: * src/eggcellrendererkeys.cc: * src/eggcellrendererkeys.h: Added libegg cell renderer and accelerators 2008-03-31 Thomas Kordelle * libgcmd/gnome-cmd-dialog.c: Fix for memory leak * src/gnome-cmd-con.cc: Fixed problem with copying files to symlinked directories * src/gnome-cmd-quicksearch-popup.cc: Allow Fx functions when in quicksearch mode editing 2008-03-26 Thomas Kordelle * src/gnome-cmd-search-dialog.cc: Bugfixes + added accelerators to the search dlg 2008-03-21 Leonardo Valeri Manera * data/gnome-commander.ebuild: Updated ebuild file for gentoo systems 2008-03-20 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-key-shortcuts-dialog.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-key-shortcuts-dialog.h: * src/gnome-cmd-main-menu.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Added GUI for keyboard shortcuts management 2008-03-19 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Move key2str() and str2key() out of GnomeCmdUserActions class 2008-03-17 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-file.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-file.h: * src/gnome-cmd-file-list.cc: Fix for sorting of UTF-8 encoded file names 2008-03-14 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Added ascii_islower() and ascii_isupper() Added GnomeCmdUserActions::clear() * src/gnome-cmd-hintbox.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-hintbox.h: hintbox: new widget showing a label decorated with a GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_INFO icon 2008-03-13 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Added GnomeCmdUserActions iterators for accessing registered GdkEventKey 2008-03-11 Piotr Eljasiak * libgcmd/libgcmd-widget-factory.c: Replacing obsoleted gnome_icon_entry_set_icon() with gnome_icon_entry_set_filename() 2008-03-10 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Moved static DICT to GnomeCmdUserActions class Added descriptions for user action 2008-03-05 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-file-popmenu.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-list-popmenu.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-main-menu.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-search-dialog.cc: * src/intviewer/viewer-window.cc: Replaced deprecated icon names with newer ones * src/gnome-cmd-search-dialog.cc: Added 'help' button to search dlg 2008-03-04 Piotr Eljasiak * src/gnome-cmd-main-menu.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-main-win.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.cc: * src/gnome-cmd-user-actions.h: Added "Start GNOME Commander as root" action to menu and user actions * src/gnome-cmd-advrename-lexer.ll: * src/gnome-cmd-advrename-dialog.cc: Multi-Rename-Tool - new $x and $X placeholders for random hexadecimal numbers 2008-02-29 Piotr Eljasiak * configure.in: Bumped version to 1.2.6 ##############################################################################