============== Version 0.90.0 ============== - Stop requiring the HANDY_USE_UNSTABLE_API guard. - Stop transforming close buttons into back buttons for dialogs on the desktop. - Give some nice default and minimum sizes to HdyPreferencesWindow. - HdyCarousel: - Add HdyCarouselIndicatorDots and HdyCarouselIndicatorLines. - Drop the indicator-style, indicator-spacing, and center-content properties. - Revamp the colors of HdyAvatar and augment its colors number to 14. - Set the default column and row spacing of HdyKeypad to 6 pixels. - Don't present an arrow and a popover in HdyComboRow when its model has less than 2 items. - Support CSS sizing properties for HdySqueezer and HdyViewSwitcher. - Drop the icon-size properties of HdyViewSwitcher, HdyViewSwitcherTitle and HdyViewSwitcherBar. - Give some horizontal margins to the view switcher of HdyViewSwitcherTitle via CSS. - Add all files back to tarballs except the debian directory.